About the Location

Since 1980, the Vienna University Archive has been located in the old part of the “Alte Universität” (old university) which also housed the University Library until 1884.

The “Alte Universität” is the oldest preserved location of the University of Vienna. It was built in the 17th century under the aegis of the Jesuit Order. The part of the building that houses the Vienna University Archive today was built during the first half of the 19th century, when the University Library was expanded.

The previous medieval building at this location – the “Herzogskolleg” (Collegium ducale) – had been the main university building since 1385.

The “Herzogskolleg” had a chapel dedicated to Saint Benedict as an annex. It had been used to store precious archival records and university documents as early as in the Middle Ages and the 16th century. Therefore, there are several links between the current location of the Vienna University Archive and the rich tradition of the University of Vienna and its archival holdings.