Altomare, Fabio: One-dimensional superconductivity in nanowires / Fabio Altomare ; Albert M. Chang. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2013. - XXXVI, 307 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC10795837
Amore, Paolo: Advanced modern physics : solutions to problems / Paolo Amore (Universidad de Colima, Mexico), John Dirk Walecka (College of William and Mary, USA) . - New Jersey : World Scientific, [2016]. - viii, 339 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12707858
Amore, Paolo: Introduction to modern physics: solutions to problems / Paolo Amore (Universidad de Colima, Mexico), John Dirk Walecka (College of William and Mary, USA). - New Jersey: World Scientific, 2013. - VIII, 326 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11098325
Amore, Paolo: Topics in modern physics : solutions to problems / Paolo Amore (Universidad de Colima, Mexico), John Dirk Walecka (College of William and Mary, USA) . - New Jersey : World Scientific, [2015]. - x, 271 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12707863
Bagarello, Fabio, 1964- [HerausgeberIn]: Non-selfadjoint operators in quantum physics : mathematical aspects / editors: Fabio Bagarello (Universitá di Palermo and INFN), Jean Pierre Gazeau (Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro), Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski), Miloslav Znojil (�stav jaderné fyziky AV CR, Re�) . - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2015]. - xxiv, 407 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12714289
Benelli, Cristiano: Introduction to molecular magnetism: from transition metals to lanthanides / Cristiano Benelli ; Dante Gatteschi. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. - XII, 450 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12291577
Benesi, Alan J.: A primer of NMR theory with calculations in Mathematica / Alan J. Benesi. - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015. - IX, 236 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717355
Blaha, Stephen: The origin of the eight coupling constants of the theory of everything : U(8) grand unified theory of everything (GUTE) : S8 coupling constant symmetry : space-time dependent coupling constants : big bang vacuum coupling constants : physics is logic IV / Stephen Blaha . - Rev. 00/00/01 . - [Auburn, NH] : Blaha Research, December 10, 2015. - ii, 33 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12735577
Bodewits, Karin: Karriereführer für Naturwissenschaftlerinnen : erfolgreich im Berufsleben / Karin Bodewits, Andrea Hauk und Philipp Gramlich . - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [2016]. - XV, 315 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12269832
Bonitz, Michael, 1960-: Quantum kinetic theory / Michael Bonitz . - Second edition . - Cham : Springer, [2016]. - xviii, 406 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717444
Campanelli, Mario: Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider : from the proton to the Higgs boson / Mario Campanelli (University College London, UK) . - New Jersey : World Scientific, [2016]. - 106 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12707841
Soft matter nanotechnology: from structure to function / ed. by Xiaodong and Harald Fuchs. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. - XX, 434 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12396318
Diep, Hung T.: Statistical physics : fundamentals and application to condensed matter : with lectures, problems and solutions / Hung T. Diep (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France) . - New Jersey ; Singapore : World Scientific, [2015]. - xxv, 621 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12704561
Feynman, Richard Phillips, 1918-1988: The Feynman lectures on physics: boxed set [Vol. 1-3] / Feynman ; Leighton ; Sands. - 1: [Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat]. - New Millennium ed. - New York, NY: Basic Books, 2010. - Getr. Zählung
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC08419787
Feynman, Richard Phillips, 1918-1988: The Feynman lectures on physics: boxed set [Vol. 1-3] / Feynman ; Leighton ; Sands. - 2: [Mainly electromagnetism and matter]. - New Millennium ed. - New York, NY: Basic Books, 2010. - Getr. Zählung
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC08419822
Feynman, Richard Phillips, 1918-1988: The Feynman lectures on physics: boxed set [Vol. 1-3] / Feynman ; Leighton ; Sands. - 3: [Quantum mechanics]. - New Millennium ed. - New York, NY: Basic Books, 2010. - Getr. Zählung
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC08419833
Ganteför, Gerd, 1956-: Wir drehen am Klima - na und? / Gerd Ganteför . - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [2015]. - XIII, 234 Seiten. - (Erlebnis Wissenschaft)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12663162
Goodman, Joseph W.: Statistical optics / Joseph W. Goodman . - Second edition . - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2015]. - xx, 516 Seiten. - (Wiley series in pure and applied optics)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12640299
Grätzer, George A., 1936-: Practical LaTeX / George Grätzer . - Cham : Springer, [2014]. - XVI, 216 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717441
Hansen, Alex: The fiber bundle model : modeling failure in materials / Alex Hansen, Per C. Hemmer, and Srutarshi Pradhan . - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [2015]. - XV, 236 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12647131
Harrison, R. Giles : Meteorological measurements and instrumentation / R. Giles Harrison. - 1. publ. - Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015. - XIV, 257 S. - (Advancing weather and climate science series)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12664932
Iro, Harald: A modern approach to classical mechanics / Harald Iro, retired from Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria . - Second edition . - New Jersey : World Scientific, [2016]. - xii, 515 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12701901
Jelinek, Raz: Nanoparticles / Raz Jelinek . - Berlin ; Boston : de Gruyter, [2015]. - VIII, 283 Seiten. - (De Gruyter graduate) (De Gruyter textbook)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717448
Kastner, Ruth E. 1955-: Understanding our unseen reality : solving quantum riddles / Ruth E. Kastner (University of Maryland, USA) . - London : Imperial College Press, [2015]. - vii, 240 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12699789
Khare, Kedar: Fourier optics and computational imaging / Kedar Khare (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India) . - Chichester : Wiley, [2016]. - 312 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717405
Kittel, Charles 1916- : Thermodynamik / von Charles Kittel ; Herbert Krömer. - 6., verb. Aufl. - München: Oldenbourg, 2013. - 463 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC10779553
Landau, Rubin H.: Computational physics : problem solving with Python / Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J. Páez, Cristian C. Bordeianu . - 3rd completely revised edition . - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH-Verlag, [2015]. - XXII, 622 Seiten. - (Physics textbook)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717388
Soft matter at aqueous interfaces / Peter R. Lang, Yi Liu, editors . - Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London : Springer, [2016]. - viii, 555 Seiten. - (Lecture notes in physics ; 917)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12737207
Lindell, Ismo V., 1939- : Multiforms, dyadics, and electromagnetic media / Ismo V. Lindell. - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2015. - XIII, 397 S. - (IEEE Press series on electromagnetic wave theory)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717397
Information science for materials discovery and design / Turab Lookman, Francis J. Alexander, Krishna Rajan, editors . - Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London : Springer, [2016]. - xvii, 307 Seiten. - (Springer series in materials science ; 225)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12737395
From atomic to mesoscale : the role of quantum coherence in systems of various complexities / edited by Svetlana A. Malinovskaya (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA), Irina Novikova (College of William and Mary, USA) . - New Jersey ; Singapore : World Scientific, [2015]. - viii, 262 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12704607
Mathelitsch, Leopold 1950-: Physik des Sports / Leopold Mathelitsch und Sigrid Thaller . - Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [2015]. - XI, 186 Seiten. - (Erlebnis Wissenschaft) (Sachbuch)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12382361
Muir, Jerry R. 1973- : Complex analysis: a modern first course in function theory / Jerry R. Muir, Jr. - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2015. - XII, 262 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12282094
Musser, George: Spooky action at a distance : the phenomenon that reimagines space and time - and what it means for black holes, the Big Bang, and theories of everything / George Musser . - First edition . - New York : Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, [2015]. - 286 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12701941
Nakajima, Hiroshi: Optical design using Excel® : practical calculations for laser optical systems / Hiroshi Nakajima . - First published 2015 . - Singapore : Wiley, [2015]. - xvii, 312 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717410
Nesvizhevsky, Valery: Surprising quantum bounces / Valery Nesvizhevsky (Institut Laue-Langevin, France), Alexei Voronin (P N Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia) . - London : Imperial College Press, [2015]. - xiv, 264 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12699794
Topological insulators: fundamentals and perspectives / ed. by Frank Ortmann ... - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. - XXIII, 407 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12406353
Pizzini, Sergio: Physical chemistry of semiconductor materials and processes . - New York, NY : John Wiley & Sons, October 2015. - x, 403 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717427
Parameterization of atmospheric convection / editors Robert S. Plant (University of Reading, UK), Jun-Ichi Yano (CNRM, Meteo France, France). - (Series on the science of climate change ; 1). - Volume 1. Theoretical background and formulation . - London : ICP, Imperial College Press, [2016], 2016 . - xviii, 515 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12707871
Parameterization of atmospheric convection / editors Robert S. Plant (University of Reading, UK), Jun-Ichi Yano (CNRM, Meteo France, France). - (Series on the science of climate change ; 1). - Volume 2. Current issues and new theories . - London : ICP, Imperial College Press, [2016]. - xvi, 617 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12707872
Raine, Derek J., 1946-: Black holes : a student text / Derek Raine & Edwin Thomas (University of Leicester, UK) . - Third edition . - London : Imperial College Press, [2015]. - xv, 282 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12699781
Rajasekar, S., 1963-: Nonlinear resonances / Shanmuganathan Rajasekar, Miguel A. F. Sanjuan . - Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London : Springer, [2016]. - xvii, 409 Seiten. - (Springer series in synergetics)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12733792
Ryndyk, Dmitry A.: Theory of quantum transport at nanoscale : an Introduction / Dmitry A. Ryndyk . - Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London : Springer, [2016], 2016 . - xii, 246 Seiten. - (Springer series in solid-state sciences ; 184)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12733782
Spintronics for next generation innovative devices / ed. by Katsuaki Sato ; Eiji Saitoh . - Chichester : Wiley , 2015. - XVIII, 255 S. - (Wiley series in materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717343
Sen, Siddhartha: Many-body physics, topology and geometry / Siddhartha Sen (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Kumar Sankar Gupta (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, India) . - New Jersey ; Singapore : World Scientific, [2015]. - xi, 207 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12704615
Photonic materials for sensing, biosensing and display devices / Michael J. Serpe, Youngjong Kang, Qiang Matthew Zhang, editors . - Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London : Springer, [2016]. - xv, 364 Seiten. - (Springer series in materials science ; 229)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12737262
Stamnes, Knut: Radiative transfer in coupled environmental systems: an introduction to forward and inverse modeling / Knut Stamnes and Jakob J. Stamnes. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. - XIII, 353 S. - (Wiley series in atmospheric physics and remote sensing)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12654450
Tadros, Tharwat F., 1937-: Nanodispersions / Tharwat F. Tadros . - Berlin ; Boston : de Gruyter, [2016]. - XIV, 283 Seiten. - (De Gruyter graduate) (De Gruyter textbook)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717452
Wang, Xianping: Progress in planar optical waveguides / Xianping Wang, Cheng Yin, Zhuangqi Cao . - Heidelberg : Springer, [2016]. - xi, 241 Seiten. - (Springer tracts in modern physics ; 266)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12728095
Wesche, Rainer, 1956-: Physical properties of high-temperature superconductors / Rainer Wesche . - New York, NY : John Wiley & Sons, 2015, 2015 . - xxx, 513 Seiten. - (Wiley series in materials for electronic & optoelectronic applications)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12717437
Wolf, E. L., 1936-: Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience / Edward L. Wolf. - 3. ed. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. - XX, 312 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12189418
Wolf, E. L., 1936-: Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie: eine Einführung in die Konzepte der Nanowissenschaften / Edward L. Wolf. Übers. von Regine Freudenstein. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. - XXIV, 359 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12254505
Woolfson, Michael M., 1927-: Resonance : applications in physical science / Michael M. Woolfson (University of York, UK) . - London : Imperial College Press, [2015]. - xiii, 243 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12699766
Yan, Mu-Lin, 1941-: De Sitter invariant special relativity / Mu-Lin Yan (University of Science and Technology of China, China) . - New Jersey ; Singapore : World Scientific, [2015]. - xiv, 265 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12704601
Yekutieli, Amnon: Nonabelian multiplicative integration on surfaces / Amnon Yekutieli (Ben Gurion University, Israel) . - New Jersey ; Singapore : World Scientific, [2015]. - xi, 173 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12704656
Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik : Annual report. - 2012/2013/2014([2016]). - Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC08272338
Fortov, Vladimir E., 1946-: Extreme states of matter : high energy density physics / Vladimir E. Fortov . - Second edition . - Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London : Springer, [2016]. - xvi, 700 Seiten. - (Springer series in materials science ; 216)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12737340
Halliday, David, 1916-2010: Physik: Bachelor-Edition ; [ideal für technisch orientierte Studiengänge] / David Halliday ; Robert Resnick ; Jearl Walker. Hrsg. der dt. Übers. Stephan W. Koch. - 2., überarb. Aufl., Bachelor-Ed. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2013. - XV, 967 S. - (Bachelor)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC10920132
Christman, J. Richard: Halliday Physik: Lösungen zur Bachelor-Edition / [J. R. Christman; E. Derringh. Übers. Erhard Zorn]. - 1. Aufl., 1. korr. Nachdr. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2013. - 278 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11095554
Hunklinger, Siegfried 1939- : Festkörperphysik / Siegfried Hunklinger. - 4. Aufl. - München: Oldenbourg, 2014. - XII, 654 S. - (Studium)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11606218
International Conference on "Physics, Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" 2015 Asow: Advanced materials : manufacturing, physics, mechanics and applications / Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vitaly Yu. Topolov, editors . - Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London : Springer, [2016]. - xxv, 707 Seiten. - (Springer proceedings in physics ; 175)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12737370
Franke, Achim: Studies of a triple GEM detector setup / verfasst von Achim Franke, BSc, 2015. - xii, 67 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13004239
Gottsbachner, Benedikt: Synthese, elektrische und thermoelektrische Charakterisierung von quasi-eindimensionalen -FeSi-Nanodraht-Strukturen / verfasst von Benedikt Gottsbachner, 2015. - 89 Seiten. - Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12737421
Horky, Jelena: Investigations of the static and dynamic mechanical properties of nanostructured Cu and Cu-Al alloys processed by high-pressure torsion / Verf. Jelena Horky. - Wien, 2015. - VII, 141 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12696809
Kaltak, Merzuk: Merging GW with DMFT / Verf. Merzuk Kaltak, 2015. - 212 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12389197
Kasberger, Magdalena Katharina: Accelerator mass spectrometry of cesium isotopes / verf. von Magdalena Katharina Kasberger. - Wien, 2015. - VI, 63 S. - Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12389221
Kopper, Manuela : Erstellung und Evaluierung von Unterrichtsmaterialien zum Thema Lichtverschmutzung / verfasst von Mag. Manuela Kopper, 2015. - 195 Seiten. - Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13004248
Kotyrba, Mateusz : Bose-Einstein condensation of metastable helium-4 for quantum entanglement experiments / verfasst von Mateusz Kotyrba, MSc, 2015. - ix, 104 Seiten. - Dissertation, Universität Wien, 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13004244
Pipper, Florian Michael: Investigation of prompt gamma imaging as range verification method for ion therapy / verf. von Florian Michael Pipper. - Wien, 2015. - iv, 55 S. - Wien, Univ., Master-Arb., 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12389167
Schindler, Peter: Next generation high-k dielectrics for DRAM produced by atomic layer deposition studied by transmission electron microscopy / Verf. Peter Schindler, 2015. - XIII, 130, 3 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12389253
Vrzan, Drazen : Angular momentum inequalities for black holes / verfasst von Drazen Vrzan, BSc, 2015. - x, 49 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13004243