Badescu, Viorel: Modeling thermodynamic distance, curvature and fluctuations: a geometric approach / Viorel Badescu. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - x, 202 Seiten. - (Understanding complex systems)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13256210
Barrett, Ross: Physics: the ultimate adventure / Ross Barrett, Pier Paolo Delsanto, Angelo Tartaglia. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - xvi, 218 Seiten. - (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13255779
Bejan, Adrian, 1948-: The physics of life : the evolution of everything / Adrian Bejan. - New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, May 2016. - X, 261 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13235988
Bettini, Alessandro, 1939-: Fluids and thermodynamics / Alessandro Bettini. - [Cham] : Springer International Publishing, [2016]. - xiv, 236 Seiten. - (A course in classical physics ; 2)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13235667
Photorefractive organic materials and applications / Pierre-Alexandre Blanche, editor. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - x, 318 Seiten. - (Springer series in materials science ; 240)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13261311
Memorial volume for Y. Nambu / editors Lars Brink (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), Lay Nam Chang (Virginia Tech, USA), Moo-Young Han (Duke University, USA), Kok Khoo Phua (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). - New Jersey ; Singapore : World Scientific, [2016]. - viii, 159 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13238227
Carroll, Sean M., 1966-: The big picture : on the origins of life, meaning, and the universe itself / Sean Carroll. - New York, New York : Dutton, [2016]. - ix, 470 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253193
What if Einstein was wrong? : asking the big questions about physics / editor Brian Clegg ; foreword by Jim Al-Khalili. - Paperback edition. - Lewes : Ivy Press, 2015. - 160 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253114
Dell'Antonio, Gianfausto, 1933-: Lectures on the mathematics of quantum mechanics II : selected topics / Gianfausto Dell'Antonio. - [Amsterdam] : Atlantis Press, [2016]. - xix, 381 Seiten. - (Atlantis studies in mathematical physics ; 2)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13256215
École de physique des Houches (99., 2012, Les Houches): Strongly interacting quantum systems out of equilibrium : lecture notes of the Les Houches Summer School : volume 99, 30th July-24th August / edited by Thierry Giamarchi, Andrew J. Millis, Olivier Parcollet, Hubert Saleur, Leticia F. Cugliandolo. - First edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. - xxi, 584 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13244808
École de physique des Houches (102., 2014, Les Houches): From molecules to living organisms : an interplay between biology and physics : École de physique des Houches : session CII, 7 July-1 August 2014 / edited by Eva Pebay-Peyroula, Hugues Nury, François Parcy, Rob W.H. Ruigrok, Christine Ziegler, Letitica F. Cugliandolo. - First edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. - xxv, 436 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13244894
Ellis, George F. R., 1939-: How can physics underlie the mind? : top-down causation in the human context / George Ellis. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, [2016]. - xxvi, 482 Seiten. - (The frontiers collection)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253887
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832: Goethe's "exposure of Newton's theory" : a polemic on Newton's theory of light and colour / translated by Michael Duck and Michael Petry ; with an introduction by Michael Duck. - London : Imperial College Press, 2016. - xlvii, 242 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253050
Grenzebach, Arne: The shadow of black holes: an analytic description / Arne Grenzebach. - [Cham] : Springer International Publishing, [2016]. - xvii, 94 Seiten. - (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253235
Hall, Michael J. W.: Ensembles on configuration space: classical, quantum, and beyond / Michael J.W. Hall, Marcel Reginatto. - [Cham] : Springer International Publishing, [2016]. - xiv, 280 Seiten. - (Fundamental theories of physics ; 184)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13242810
Nanomaterials in energy and environmental applications / edited by Junhui He. - Singapore : Pan Stanford Publishing, [2016]. - xiv, 532 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12252105
Huber, Andreas, 1983-: Rückkehr erwünscht : im Nationalsozialismus aus "politischen" Gründen vertriebene Lehrende der Universität Wien / Andreas Huber. - Wien ; Münster : LIT, [2016]. - 378 Seiten. - (Emigration - Exil - Kontinuität ; Band 14)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13107066
Hwang, Nong Moon: Non-classical crystallization of thin films and nanostructures in CVD and PVD processes / Nong Moon Hwang. - Dordrecht : Springer, [2016]. - xii, 332 Seiten. - (Springer series in surface sciences ; 60)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13261434
The Cambridge companion to Newton / edited by Rob Iliffe (University of Oxford) and George E. Smith (Tufts University). - Second edition. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. - xviii, 637 Seiten. - (Cambridge companions)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253216
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (190., 2014, Varenna): Frontiers in modern optics : proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" : course 190 : Varenna on Lake Como : Villa Monastero : 30 June-5 July 2014 / edited by/a cura di D. Faccio and/e J. Dudley (directors of the course/direttori del corso) and/e di M. Clerici. - Amsterdam ; Oxford ; Tokio ; Washington DC : IOS Press, 2016. - XIV, 304 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13243279
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (192., 2014, Varenna): Grid and cloud computing: concepts and practical applications : proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" : course 192 : Varenna on Lake Como : Villa Monastero : 25-30 July 2014 / edited by/a cura di F. Carminati and/e L. Betev (directors of the course/direttori del corso) and/e di A. Grigoras. - Amsterdam ; Oxford ; Tokio ; Washington DC : IOS Press, 2016. - XVII, 274 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13243354
Laine, Mikko: Basics of thermal field theory : a tutorial on perturbative computations / Mikko Laine, Aleksi Vuorinen. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - xiv, 281 Seiten. - (Lecture notes in physics ; 925)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13261217
McCaw, Charles Stuart, 1972-: Orbitals : with applications in atomic spectra / Charles S. McCaw. - London: Imperial College Press, 2015. - XIV, 261 S. - (ICP Essential textbooks in chemistry ; 1)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13008793
Morris, Dennis: The special theory of relativity : an introduction / Dennis Morris. - Reprint and revision. - Dulles, Virginia : Mercury Learning and Information, [2016]. - xii, 308 Seiten. - (Essentials of physics series)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13045146
Nagasawa, Mitsuru, 1923-: Physical chemistry of polyelectrolyte solutions / Mitsuru Nagasawa. - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015. - X, 286 S. - (Advances in chemical physics ; 158)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12711429
Orszag, Miguel, 1944-: Quantum optics : including noise reduction, trapped ions, quantum trajectories, and decoherence / Miguel Orszag. - Third edition. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - xxii, 485 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13236266
Photoptics (Veranstaltung, 3., 2015, Berlin): Photoptics 2015 : revised selected papers / Paulo Ribeiro, Maria Raposo, editors. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - xvii, 194 Seiten. - (Springer proceedings in physics ; 181)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13286825
Pietschmann, Herbert, 1936-: Eris & Eirene : Anleitung zum Umgang mit Widersprüchen und Konflikten / Herbert Pietschmann. - 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. - Wien : Ibera, European University Press, 2016. - 166 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13277843
Pirner, Hans Jürgen: The unknown as an engine for science : an essay on the definite and the indefinite / Hans J. Pirner. - Cham : Springer International, [2015]. - xvii, 146 Seiten. - (The frontiers collection)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253082
Reitinger, Johannes, 1974-: Impuls Physik / Reitinger, Fischer, Novak. - 4. - Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch GmbH & Co. KG, [2016]. - 1 CD-ROM. - (DUA - der Digitale Unterrichtsassistent)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13279676
Schucking, Engelbert, 1926-2015: Einstein's apple : homogeneous Einstein fields / by Engelbert L. Schucking ; Eugene J. Surowitz. - Singapore [u.a.]: World Scientific, 2015. - XII, 301 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12312735
Electromagnetic waves in complex systems : selected theoretical and applied problems / Yuriy Sirenko, Lyudmyla Velychko, editors. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - xiii, 446 Seiten. - (Springer series on atomic, optical, and plasma physics ; 91)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253724
Nanomaterial characterization : an introduction / edited by Ratna Tantra. - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2016]. - xx, 294 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253233
Thoennessen, Michael: The discovery of isotopes : a complete compilation / Michael Thoennessen. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - xiii, 413 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13255951
Walker, Darren J.: Computational physics : an introduction / Darren J. Walker. - Reprint and revision. - Dulles, Virginia : Mercury Learning and Information, [2016]. - viii, 348 Seiten. - (Essentials of physics series)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13045139
Electronic structure calculations on graphics processing units : from quantum chemistry to condensed matter physics / editors Ross C. Walker (San Diego Supercomputer Center and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, USA) and Andreas W. Götz (San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego, USA). - Chichester : Wiley, 2016. - xxviii, 334 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13253228
Weinert, Friedel, 1950-: The demons of science : what they can and cannot tell us about our world / Friedel Weinert. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - ix, 251 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13255815
Whitaker, Andrew: John Stewart Bell and twentieth-century physics: vision and integrity / Andrew Whitaker (Department of Physics, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland). - First edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. - xvi, 460 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13283362
Zhu, Jian-Xin: Bogoliubov-de Gennes method and its applications / Jian-Xin Zhu. - [Cham] : Springer, 2016. - xi, 188 Seiten. - (Lecture notes in physics ; 924)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13266426
Advances in chemical physics. - 159. - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2016. - XI, 419 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC00144214
Advances in chemical physics. - 160. - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2016. - XI, 348 S.
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC00144214
Big Bang: [Physik] / Martin Apolin. - 5 RG. - 1. Auflage. - Wien : öbv, [2015]: ÖBV. - 160 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13279654
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Jahresbericht. - 2015(2016). - München : Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 2016. - 159 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC02690467
Kinzoku-Zairyo-Kenkyusho: KINKEN research highlights / IMR, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University. - 2016. - Sendai: IMR, 2016. - 54 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC06367902
Lemarié-Rieusset, Pierre G., 1960-: The Navier-Stokes problem in the 21st century / Pierre Gilles Lemarié-Rieusset (Université d'Évry Val d'Essone, Evry, France). - Version date: 20160113. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, [2016]. - xxii, 718 Seiten. - (A Chapman & Hall book)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13236544
Sause, Markus, 1982-: In-situ monitoring of fiber-reinforced composites : theory, basic concepts, methods, and applications / Markus G.R. Sause. - [Cham] : Springer, [2016]. - xvii, 633 Seiten. - (Springer series in materials science ; 242)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13261381
Seinfeld, John H., 1942-: Atmospheric chemistry and physics : from air pollution to climate change / John H. Seinfeld, Spyros N. Pandis. - Third edition. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, [2016]. - xxvi, 1120 Seiten
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13222794
Valiente Kroon, Juan A., 1972-: Conformal methods in general relativity / Juan A. Valiente Kroon (Queen Mary University of London). - First published. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. - xxx, 594 Seiten. - (Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13292762
Banfic, Jelena: Synthesis and characterization of novel tumor-inhibiting platinum(IV) complexes / verf. von Jelena Banfic, 2014. - VI, 89 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2014
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11789631
Capon, Aaron: Construction of a scintillating hodoscope detector for measurements on the hyperfine structure of antihydrogen / verfasst von/submitted by Aaron Capon. - Wien, 2016. - IX, 101 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13295456
Dörre, Nadine: Time-domain matter-wave interferometry with clusters and large molecules / verfasst von/submitted by Mag.rer.nat. Nadine Dörre. - Wien, 2015. - 100 Seiten. - Dissertation, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13293706
Dronjic', Florina-Daniela: Optimierung von Isolierung und Charakteriesierung des Typ-III-Kupferproteins Laccase aus Mädchenaugen (Coreopsis Lanceolata) / verf. von Florina-Daniela Dronjic', 2015. - IX, 116 S. - Wien, Univ., Master-Arb., 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC12710334
Elsner, Daniel Johannes: Dissection of Rho-kinase signaling using biophysical and cell biological tools / verf. von Daniel Johannes Elsner, 2014. - 47, IV S. - Wien, Univ., Master-Arb., 2014
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11840036
Fosodeder, Verena: Laser processing of carbon fibre composites / verfasst von Verena Fosodeder, BSc. - Wien, 2015. - 95 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2015
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13098604
Gabl, Sonja: On the effects of finiteness and sampling in simulation of ionic liquids : implications for molecular dynamics simulations and NMR theory / Verf. Sonja Gabl, 2014. - VII, 83 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2014
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11789421
Hiel, Norbert: Einsatz analytisch-chemischer Methoden zur Beurteilung von verschiedenen gesundheitsgefährdenden Stoffen am Arbeitsplatz / Verf. Norbert Hiel, 2012. - 334 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2013
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC10807555
Hofstätter, Thomas: Numerical analysis of vibrations of wind turbine blades / verfasst von/submitted by Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hofstätter, Bsc. Bsc. - Wien, 2016. - viii, 84 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13295332
Klingenböck, Anna-Maria: Ermittlung der intrinsischen Motivation von SchülerInnen der Unterstufe in der Elektrizitätslehre / verfasst von/submitted by Anna-Maria Klingenböck. - Wien, 2016. - 92 Seiten. - Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13295501
Marzi, Daniela: Coarse-graining, structure and rheology of polymer nanocomposites / Verf. Daniela Marzi, 2014. - XII, 109 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2014
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11716487
Mauracher, Stephan Gerhard: Purification, characterization and crystal structure analysis of isoform PPO4 latent mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) tyrosinase / verf. von Stephan Gerhard Mauracher, 2014. - 123 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2014
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11748526
Pfeiler, Desiree: Interesse im Physikunterricht / verfasst von Desiree Pfeiler. - Wien, 2016. - II, 101 Seiten. - Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13295362
Primik, Michael: Effects of metal coordination and peptide conjugation on the antiproliferative activity of indolo[3,2-d]benzazepines and indolo[3,2-c]quinolines / Verf. Michael Primik, 2013. - IV, 150 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2013
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC10887875
Puchberger, Sabine Friedericke: Analysis of crackling noise in porous materials by strain drop measurements / verfasst von/submitted by Sabine Friedericke Puchberger, BSc. - Wien, 2016. - 99 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13064652
Pühringer, Jakob: Messung der Paarverteilungsfunktion an binären Legierungen / verfasst von Jakob Pühringer, BSc. - Wien, 2016. - iii, 72 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13295387
Riedel, Annett: Impact of coffee and coffee components on mechanisms regulating energy metabolism and satiety / Verf. Annett Riedel, 2014. - 165 S. - Wien, Univ., Diss., 2014
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC11719497
Rodriguez Aramendia, Ana: Photonic entanglement exposed to acceleration / verfasst von/submitted by Rodriguez Aramendia, Ana. - Wien, 2016. - ix, 77 Seiten. - Masterarbeit, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13295475
Verbitskiy, Nikolay: Epitaxial graphene on Ge : novel BaC8 adsorbate patterns and electron-phonon coupling / verfasst von/submitted by Nikolay Verbitskiy. - Wien, 2016. - xv, 106 Seiten. - Dissertation, Universität Wien, 2016
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC13292413
Zeilinger, Martin: Molekular geprägte Sensorschichten als Instrument zur low–cost-Sensorik von Verfälschungen durch Melamin / Verf. Martin Zeilinger, 2011. - 75 S. - Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2011
u:search: http://ubdata.univie.ac.at/AC08924688