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Order at the bazaarSpector, Regine A.: Order at the bazaar. Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press, [Berlin]: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. → Cornell University Press Hinzugefügt am 18.09.2020
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Emotionen auf ExpeditionenLubrich, Oliver / Stodulka, Thomas: Emotionen auf Expeditionen. Ein Taschenhandbuch für die ethnographische Praxis. Bielefeld: transcript, [Berlin]: Walter de Gruyter, 2019. "Gefühle beeinflussen unser Verhalten überall - auch in der Wissenschaft. Aber bei Forscher_innen sind Affekte suspekt: Sie werden als Störungen betrachtet, die eine objektive Arbeit gefährden. Dabei beeinflussen sie zwangsläufig den Forschungsprozess, weshalb ihre kritische Analyse ein fester Bestandteil wissenschaftlicher Tätigkeit sein sollte. Insbesondere die Feldforschung löst regelmäßig emotionale Reaktionen (etwa zu Kriegsgräuel, Diskriminierungen von Bevölkerungsgruppen oder sozialen Unterschieden) aus, welche die Beobachtung bedingen, das Verständnis beeinflussen und die Theoriebildung lenken. In den Beiträgen des Bandes werden fächerübergreifend eine Reihe textanalytischer und empirischer Methoden vorgeschlagen, mit deren Hilfe Emotionalität in der Forschung transparent gemacht werden kann." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 18.09.2020
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The international encyclopedia of anthropologyCallan, Hilary (Hg.): The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2018. "The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology is the most complete reference resource for the field of anthropology and interrelated areas, providing an authoritative and expert overview of the concepts, research, and techniques that together define the discipline. Under the guidance of Editor-in-Chief Hilary Callan - former director of the Royal Anthropological Institute (2000-2010) - and fourteen internationally-respected voices acting as Associate Editors, the Encyclopedia features contributions from a team of over 800 international scholars making this a work of unparalleled depth and breadth of knowledge. Over 1,000 entries, ranging from concise summaries to longer writings, present the reader with in-depth discussions of hundreds of key topics, including: ecology, human evolution, gender, health, language and education, kinship, politics, and power, as well as biographical entries of many of the world's most influential founding anthropologists. Organized alphabetically and written for both the specialist and the general reader, the Encyclopedia is a landmark reference resource for students and scholars engaged within the broad and dynamic field of anthropology, and those studying and working within the related disciplines of psychology, medicine, religious studies, and sociology." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 5.08.2020
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Window on a warHickey, Gerald Cannon: Window on a War. An Anthropologist in the Vietnam Conflict. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, [Birmingham]: EBSCOhost, 2002. "When Gerald Hickey went to Vietnam in 1956 to complete his Ph.D. in anthropology, he didn’t realize he would be there for most of the next eighteen years—through the entire Vietnam War. After working with the country folk of the Mekong Delta for several years, in 1963 Hickey was recruited by the Rand Corporation, which was contracted by the U.S. government to study and report on the highland tribes. From the buildup to war, when mountain tribespeople still lived in longhouses and cut and burned brush to clear fields for nice, to near the end of the conflict, when he sailed away from Vietnam on the S.S. Idaho, Gerald Hickey experienced it all. He lived through the horrible Viet Cong night attack on the Nam Dong Special Forces Camp in July 1964, and he survived the full-scale battle at Ban Me Thuot during Tet, 1968. Worst, he witnessed the decline of the mountain people from proud highlanders to refugees from a war none of them wanted and few understood. Hickey became respected by all parties as a fair intermediary between the highlanders, the American mission, and to some extent the Saigon government. His understanding of the montagnards, and his representation of their interests, helped to resolve their conflict with Saigon in 1965 and assured their alliance with U.S. forces through the rest of the war. These are his experiences, told with the calm yet deep emotion of a man who invested a major portion of his life and career in the events of the war and with the people among whom he lived and worked. His is a unique viewpoint and one to which we should attend. '[Hickey's] studies of these independent, brave, and misunderstood people provide the scholarly record; this fine book expresses his devotion and his despair at their inevitable and often cruel assimilation.' —Douglas Pike." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 5.08.2020
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The politics and ethics of the just priceLuetchford, Peter / Orlando, Giovanni: The Politics and Ethics of the Just Price. Ethnographies of Market Exchange. United Kingdom/North America/Japan/India/Malaysia/China: Emerald Publishing, [Ann Arbor]: ProQuest Ebook Central, 2019. "Prices permeate contemporary life. From the cost of basic foodstuffs in developing countries to the pay of CEOs in rich ones, the question of the politics and ethics of pricing everything through the market dominates public life. At the same time, we know that dilemmas about how to value fairly, but also efficiently, goods and services have been with us for more than two thousand years, since the times of Aristotle in Ancient Greece. Through the course of the centuries, important thinkers like Thomas Aquinas, Adam Smith and Karl Marx all devoted considerable effort to try to understand how prices could reflect the intrinsic worth of the objects workers produce and exchange with other people. This is the question of the "just price." This volume represents the first systematic attempt to address this ancient debate through the use of qualitative empirical research, particularly ethnography. The volume comprises a substantial introduction that sets out the terms of the debate, proposing four different approaches to the just price, plus eight case studies based on fieldwork carried out in four different continents (Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America), ranging from topics such as fair trade, human rights and recycling, to organic agriculture, the rose oil industry, rural and urban marketplaces. Bringing together the most recent scholarship in economic anthropology and associated fields to investigate the social, political and ethical consequences of market prices on ordinary people, this book is of interest to researchers in anthropology, sociology, history and geography." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 5.08.2020
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Writing ethnographyGullion, Jessica Smart: Writing Ethnography. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers, [Ann Arbor]: ProQuest Ebook Central, 2016. "The Teaching Writing series publishes user-friendly writing guides penned by authors with publishing records in their subject matter. While ethnographers inevitably write up their findings from the field, many ethnography textbooks focus more on the ‘ethno’ portion of our craft, and less on developing our ‘graph’ skills. Gullion fills that gap, helping ethnographers write compelling, authentic stories about their fieldwork. From putting the first few words on the page, to developing a plot line, to publishing, Writing Ethnography offers guidance for all stages of the writing process. Writing prompts throughout the book encourage the development of manuscripts from start to finish. Appropriate for both new and emerging scholars, Writing Ethnography is a useful text for qualitative methods, research methods courses across disciplines. “This is a must read for anyone who is learning about ethnography and is unsure about how to start writing.” - Kakali Bhattacharya, PhD, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Kansas State University “I love this writer because she does her homework, cares about her readers, and writes a damn good story. Buy this book immediately.” - Anne Harris, PhD, Senior Lecturer of Education, Monash University and author of Critical Plays: Embodied Research for Social Change and The Creative Turn: Toward a New Aesthetic Imaginary “In this foundational text, Gullion accomplishes the herculean task of talking about the overlooked process of ethnographic writing with an intimate tone. It is like we are seated at her desk writing along with her. This text will be required reading in my research methods courses and for my graduate students because of the meticulous breakdown of writing practice that creates a text that is both useful and engaging.” - Sandra Faulkner, PhD, Associate Professor of Communication, Bowling Green State University and author of Family Stories, Poetry, and Women’s Work and Poetry as Method: Reporting Research Through Verse Jessica Smartt Gullion, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Affiliate Faculty of Women’s Studies at Texas Woman’s University. She has published more than thirty peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, in journals such as Qualitative Inquiry, the International Review of Qualitative Research, and the Journal of Applied Social Science. She has also written two additional books, Fracking the Neighborhood: Reluctant Activists and Natural Gas Drilling with the MIT Press and October Birds: A Novel about Pandemic Influenza, Infection Control, and First Responders, which is part of the award-winning Social Fictions Series with Sense Publishers." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 3.07.2020
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Human migration in the ArcticUusiautti, Satu / Yeasmin, Nafisa (Hg.): Human migration in the Arctic. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, [Ann Arbor]: ProQuest Ebook Central, 2019. "This book discusses the past, present, and future of migration in the Arctic. It addresses many of the critical dynamics of immigration and migration, and emerging challenges that now confront the region. What can be learned from the past? What are the challenges and solutions of tomorrow? Hinzugefügt am 3.07.2020
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Routledge International Handbook of Race, Class, and GenderJackson, Shirley A.(Hg.): Routledge International Handbook of Race, Class, and Gender. London: New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. "The Routledge International Handbook of Race, Class, and Gender chronicles the development, growth, history, impact, and future direction of race, gender, and class studies from a multidisciplinary perspective. The research in this subfield has been wide-ranging, including works in sociology, gender studies, anthropology, political science, social policy, history, and public health. As a result, the interdisciplinary nature of race, gender, and class and its ability to reach a large audience has been part of its appeal. The Handbook provides clear and informative essays by experts from a variety of disciplines, addressing the diverse and broad-based impact of race, gender, and class studies. The Handbook is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students who are looking for a basic history, overview of key themes, and future directions for the study of the intersection of race, class, and gender. Scholars new to the area will also find the Handbook’s approach useful. The areas covered and the accompanying references will provide readers with extensive opportunities to engage in future research in the area." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 12.06.2020
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An oral history of the Palestinian NakbaNahla, Abdo-Zubi / Masalha, Nur (Hg.): An oral history of the Palestinian Nakba. London: ZED, [Ann Arbor]: ProQuest Ebook Central, 2018. "In 2018, Palestinians mark the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, when over 750,000 people were uprooted and forced to flee their homes in the early days of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Even today, the bitterness and trauma of the Nakba remains raw, and it has become the pivotal event both in the shaping of Palestinian identity and in galvanising the resistance to occupation. Unearthing an unparalleled body of rich oral testimony, An Oral History of the Palestinian Nakba tells the story of this epochal event through the voices of the Palestinians who lived it, uncovering remarkable new insights both into Palestinian experiences of the Nakba and into the wider dynamics of the ongoing conflict. Drawing together Palestinian accounts from 1948 with those of the present day, the book confronts the idea of the Nakba as an event consigned to the past, instead revealing it to be an ongoing process aimed at the erasure of Palestinian memory and history. In the process, each unique and wide-ranging contribution leads the way for new directions in Palestinian scholarship." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 12.06.2020
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Macht. Wissen. Teilhabe.Hoins, Katharina / Mallinckrodt, Felicitas von (Hg.): Macht, Wissen, Teilhabe. Sammlungsinstitutionen im 21. Jahrhundert. Bielefeld: transcript, [Berlin]: Walter de Gruyter, 2015. "Macht, Wissen, Teilhabe - diese Begriffe sind für die Entwicklung von Sammlungsinstitutionen im 21. Jahrhundert zentral. Wie können Museen und Bibliotheken ihre Rolle als Vermittler, Bewahrer und Produzenten von kulturellem Wissen neu denken? Welche Rolle spielen ihre Besucherinnen und Besucher? Wer kann in einer globalisierten und digitalen Welt Deutungsmacht ausüben? Die Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis reflektieren aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, wie sich Museen und Bibliotheken in diesem Spannungsfeld positionieren. So befassen sich Karl-Siegbert Rehberg, Horst Bredekamp, Lambert Wiesing und Wolfgang Ullrich grundlegend mit Praktiken des Sammelns, Zeigens und Ausstellens. Ursula Rao, Stefanie Mauksch und Sarah Fründt gehen auf die besondere Rolle von Ethnologischen Museen ein, während Susanne Wernsing und Cindy Denner aus kuratorischer Perspektive neue Wege der Wissensproduktion in Ausstellungen beschreiben." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 12.06.2020
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Archive dekolonialisierenKnopf, Eva / Lembcke, Sophie / Recklies, Mara (Hg.): Archive dekolonialisieren. Mediale und epistemische Transformationen in Kunst, Design und Film. Bielefeld: transcript, [Berlin]: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. "Weltweit versuchen Künstler*innen, Designer*innen, Kurator*innen, Aktivist*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen koloniale Archive, Sammlungen und Wissensbestände aufzuarbeiten, aufzulösen, zu rekontextualisieren und zu dekolonialisieren. Sie leisten damit einen epistemischen Ungehorsam, dessen Widerstand im Aufzeigen alternativer Umgangsweisen mit Dingen und dem Entwickeln von widerspenstigen Narrativen für Gegenwart und Zukunft besteht. Dieser Band bündelt theoretische Aufsätze, Interviews und experimentelle Essays, welche die Herausforderungen, Ziele und Potentiale antikolonialer Kulturarbeit aufzeigen." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 11.05.2020
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Museum und PartizipationPiontek, Anja: Museum und Partizipation. Theorie und Praxis kooperativer Ausstellungsprojekte und Beteiligungsangebote. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2017. "»Partizipation« ist in der Museumswelt in aller Munde - doch was steckt hinter diesem Konzept und wie verändert es das Museum und sein Publikum? Anja Piontek liefert erstmals eine umfassende wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse von Partizipation in der deutschsprachigen Museumslandschaft und bietet damit eine längst überfällige Diskussionsgrundlage für die Museum Studies und den kulturellen Sektor. Durch die umsichtige Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis und die exemplarische Vorstellung zahlreicher partizipativer Ausstellungsprojekte in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz setzt das Buch auch Impulse für die praktische Museumsarbeit." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 11.05.2020
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Wie die Dinge sprechen lerntenSchulze, Mario: Wie die Dinge sprechen lernten. Eine Geschichte des Museumsobjektes 1968-2000. Bielefeld: transcript, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. "Vom »schweigenden Objekt« zum »sprechenden Ding« - das Museumsobjekt hat seit den 1970er Jahren eine dramatische Wandlung durchgemacht. Mit den Vorstellungen von der Rolle der Objekte änderten sich auch die Ausstellungsgestaltungen: In den 1980er Jahren lösten Inszenierung und Szenografie die Texttafelausstellung ab, bevor in den 1990er Jahren die »sprechenden Dinge« ins Zentrum des musealen Geschehens rückten. Mario Schulze erzählt entlang der Ausstellungen zweier bundesrepublikanischer Museen - dem Historischen Museum Frankfurt/Main und dem Museum der Dinge Berlin - eine innovative Wissens- und Zeitgeschichte kulturhistorischer Museen." (Verlagstext) Hinzugefügt am 11.05.2020