Using the Library

The departmental library is an academic library open to the public. Sie versorgt das Institut für Romanistik mit der für Forschung, Lehre und Studium notwendigen wissenschaftlichen Literatur. Daher dient sie in erster Linie den Studierenden und dem wissenschaftlichen Personal des Instituts, kann als öffentliche Bibliothek aber auch von allen anderen Personen benützt werden.

Borrowing & ordering

Books from the Departmental Library can usually be borrowed for at least 7 days - more information can be found under Borrowing.

Books from the open shelves can be taken directly from the shelves.
Books from the stacks (Magazin, Sondermagazin) as well as AV media must be ordered via the online catalogue and will be available the following day at the latest.

Issue times from the stacks:
  • Mon - Fri: 8.00 and 13.00

Items are made available about 20 minutes later.

Group study rooms

The library has 2 group study rooms, which can be reserved by telephone or by e-mail to Please note that the rooms must be reserved the day before and would be available for a total of 3 hours.

Scanner & Copier

There is a scanner available in the library for free scanning. As the scanner is not connected to the internet, the use of a USB stick is necessary. Please contact the information desk regarding the loan of a USB stick. Scanning with the book scanner is free of charge.

The library has both a Facultas photocopier and a u:print machine, with which you can copy, scan and print with a Facultas card or your u:card for a fee. Facultas cards can be purchased from us.

General rules

The Library Regulations for Libraries of the University of Vienna apply to the library premises. Coats, bags etc. may not be taken into the library. Keys for the cloakroom lockers, which are located in the entrance area, can be obtained at the information desk. It is also not permitted to enter the library with bags, coats, etc. for a short period of time.

We ask you not to speak loudly in the library, not to eat or drink (exception: lockable bottles with water) and to switch off mobile phones. Books damaged or lost during use must be replaced.


The staff is available during opening hours to answer questions and provide assistance. For assistance with research in the online catalogue or in subject-specific databases and for special research, please contact the library team.