Access restrictions to tests

As a general rule, only authorised visitors (i.e. psychologists and psychology majors) have access to and are allowed to loan, inter-library loan and mail tests and test materials through test libraries, 'testotheks' or test archives.

Any other interested visitors may use tests only for information purposes in the context of research and teaching; their interest must be documented in writing.

The access restrictions to tests at the Psychology Library are in accordance with the Austrian Psychologist's Act and supply restrictions by publishers. To guarantee professional test administration, the Psychologist's Act reserves the right to administer and document test results to psychologists (and psychology students) only. People who are not psychologists (or psychology students) are not allowed to administer or document tests.

Furthermore, these rules seek to prevent unauthorised people from gaining access to and disseminating test items and solutions, which in a worst case scenario could lead to the test becoming diagnostically invalid. Years of test development could be destroyed in such a case.

Regulation in detail

  • Psychologists and psychology students have access to tests (Proof of study is sufficient, no form necessary).
  • Visitors who are neither psychologists nor psychology students and need information regarding specific tests in the context of scientific research are required to provide a confirmation and are given access only to the manual, not other materials that are necessary to administer the test.
  • Visitors who are neither psychologists nor psychology students and want to administer a test, for example in context of scientific research, need to provide confirmation that a psychologist will be involved in administration, interpretation and documentation of the test.
  • Visitors who are neither psychologists nor psychology students and whose interest is non-scientific, for example in the context of job applications, will not be given access to any test materials.
  • Forms

Regarding the copyright of tests

Students and practitioners are often looking for ways to duplicate expensive test materials in order to administer them more cheaply. However, this is not justifiable for reasons of copyright protection. The materials contained in the tests serve only as examples and must not be copied. We explicitly refer to the publisher's rights and copyright. Rights and Permissions (German) , Permission to reprint (German) , Permission to print (German); of the Testzentrale.


See also International guidelines for test administration (PDF, 440K) (English)