Hand, die zwei Bücher übergibt. © Universität Wien / Joseph Krpelan

Lending services

The library is part reference library and part lending library.

A library card is required for borrowing books.

For information on documents and other requirements that are needed to aquire a library card please consult this overview.

You can borrow books that may be regularly borrowed for 14 days; renewing loans and reservations are possible.

Lending conditions - Overview

Your Status Books that may be borrowed Renewing loans* Reservation Reference library
Vienna University
14 days
50 items
up to 3 months by the user via u:search yes use on site
Student writing their thesis
Vienna University
14 days
50 items
up to 1 year automatically yes use on site
Student at another
university/educational institution
14 days
50 items
up to 3 months by the user via u:search yes use on site
Academic staff
Vienna University
56 days
100 items
up to 1 year automatically yes use on site
Non-academic staff
Vienna University
14 days
50 items
up to 1 year automatically yes use on site
14 days
20 items
up to 1 year automatically yes use on site
of scientific institutions
14 days
20 items
up to 1 year automatically yes use on site
Pupil 14 days
50 items
up to 3 months by the user via u:search yes use on site
Annual card holders 14 days
20 items
up to 3 months by the user via u:search yes use on site

*as long as there is no reservation by another user or open fees.

Renewing loans

You can renew loans of the items you borrowed in u:search for the maximum lenght indicated in the table above, as long as there are no overdue fees or the item has been requested by another user.


Borrowed books can be put on hold. When the book is returned, you will be notified via e-mail that you can pick up the book at the Library of Philosophy and Psychology. Reserved items will then be available for pickup for 5 work days.

Book return box

Outside of our regular opening hours, books can be deposited in the book return box located on the ground floor of NIG next to lecture hall I, near staircace II.

Reference Library Psycholoy

Items that are part of the reference library (i.e. lexica, dictionaries, books that are relevant for exams and seminars etc.) may only be borrowed over the weekend (from fridays 10:00 am to mondays 12:00 am). Reservations can be made on site on the index cards that are placed in every book.
Please note that failure to return items of the reference library on time results in a 2 year ban on borrowing any items of the reference library.

Books that cannot be borrowed

books that are older than 100 years as well as theses and journals of the department of psychology may not be borrowed, but may be copied or scanned on site. Copies can be made using a validated u:card with credit, scans can be made using our book scanner.

Further information regarding lending services