How to Use Library Tools to Successfully Finish Your Literature and Cultural Proseminar Paper

Donnerstag, 11.07.2024, 14:00 Uhr

Achtung: Diese Veranstaltung findet nicht in deutscher Sprache statt.


Is the deadline of your literature or cultural studies proseminar paper approaching? Are you worried about what literature you have found or not found? Then you should join this workshop to learn about and try out some helpful search tools and strategies.


After the workshop, participants will be able to use appropriate literature search tools provided by the library and apply search strategies to improve and complete their literature search for a literature or cultural studies proseminar paper


Presentation with interactive elements, Q & A


Studierende (Einsteiger*innen)




Zeit: Donnerstag, 11.07.2024, 14:00 Uhr

Dauer: 90 min

Format: Präsenzveranstaltung mit Livestream

Anmeldung erforderlich!

Max. Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 16

Vortragende*r: Karin Lach

Weitere wichtige Informationen

Diese Veranstaltung findet nicht in deutscher Sprache statt.

Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.

The workshop will take place simultaneously via Zoom in the English and American Studies Library Virtual Learning Space and in the TV Room of the English and American Studies Library (please bring your own devices). There will be time for students' questions and research issues to be addressed.

The link to the session will be sent by e-mail before the session.


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