About Us

The Education, Linguistics and Comparative Literature Library is an open-shelf library for students and teachers, as well as the interested public. Its main responsibility is the acquisition, indexing and provision of subject-specific academic literature. (see Using the library, Lending services).


Sensengasse 3a
1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-16801
F: +43-1-4277-16809
E: fb-bilispli.ub@univie.ac.at


  • A reading room with 58 workstations
  • A group study room for ten persons (bookable room)
  • Two computer rooms  with 17 computer workstations provided by the ZID (Vienna University Computer Center) 
  • Five online catalogues
  • One u:print  device
  • A book scanner
  • Wi-Fi throughout the entire Library
  • Library on three floors: 1,480 m2
  • Holdings: about 200,000 volumes

  • The special library is continually working on improving its services. Suggestions, book requests and feedback are always welcome. (Feedback).