Neu verfügbare E-Books Osteuropäische Geschichte


Provincial landscapes : local dimensions of sovjet power, 1917-1953

Donald Raleigh: Provincial landscapes : local dimensions of sovjet power, 1917-1953, Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press
[Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, [2001]

The closed nature of the Soviet Union, combined with the WestÆs intellectual paradigm of Communist totalitarianism prior to the 1970s, have led to a one-dimensional view of Soviet history, both in Russia and the West. The opening of former Soviet archives allows historians to explore a broad array of critical issues at the local level. Provincial Landscapes is the first publication to begin filling this enormous gap in scholarship on the Soviet Union, pointing the way to additional work that will certainly force major reevaluations of the nationÆs history.Focusing on the years between the Revolution and StalinÆs death, the contributors to this volume address a variety of topics, including how political events and social engineering played themselves out at the local level; the construction of Bolshevik identities, including class, gender, ethnicity, and place; the Soviet cultural project; and the hybridization of Soviet cultural forms. In showing how the local is related to the larger society, the essays decenter standard narratives of Soviet history, enrich the understanding of major events and turning points in that history, and provide a context for the highly visible socio-political and cultural role individual Russian provinces began to play after the breakup of the Soviet Union. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2025

A history of Macedonian sociology : in quest for identity

Naum Trajanovski: A history of Macedonian sociology : in quest for identity, Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, [2024]

This book is the first English-language monograph about the institutional development of sociology in (North) Macedonia. It maps and discusses the contexts, goals, and merits of the pioneering attempts for sociological research in the interwar period, early post-war educational and publishing politics, the institutionalization of sociology in socialist Macedonia in the course of the 1960s, its cross-national exchanges, as well as its major trajectories and debates up until the present days. Against the backgrounds of the political and intellectual histories of Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav Macedonia, it argues that the development of the sociological activities, themes, and arguments is entwined with the Macedonian nation- and state-building. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2025

Jozef Pilsudski : Founding Father of Modern Poland

Joshua D. Zimmerman: Jozef Pilsudski : Founding Father of Modern Poland, Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, [2022]

The story of the enigmatic Jozef Pilsudski, the founding father of modern Poland: a brilliant military leader and high-minded statesman who betrayed his own democratic vision by seizing power in a military coup. In the story of modern Poland, no one stands taller than Jozef Pilsudski. From the age of sixteen he devoted his life to reestablishing the Polish state that had ceased to exist in 1795. Ahead of World War I, he created a clandestine military corps to fight Russia, which held most Polish territory. After the war, his dream of an independent Poland realized, he took the helm of its newly democratic political order. When he died in 1935, he was buried alongside Polish kings. Yet Pilsudski was a complicated figure. Passionately devoted to the idea of democracy, he ceded power on constitutional terms, only to retake it a few years later in a coup when he believed his opponents aimed to dismantle the democratic system. Joshua Zimmerman’s authoritative biography examines a national hero in the thick of a changing Europe, and the legacy that still divides supporters and detractors. The Poland that Pilsudski envisioned was modern, democratic, and pluralistic. Domestically, he championed equality for Jews. Internationally, he positioned Poland as a bulwark against Bolshevism. But in 1926 he seized power violently, then ruled as a strongman for nearly a decade, imprisoning opponents and eroding legislative power. In Zimmerman’s telling, Pilsudski’s faith in the young democracy was shattered after its first elected president was assassinated. Unnerved by Poles brutally turning on one another, the father of the nation came to doubt his fellow citizens’ democratic commitments and thereby betrayed his own. It is a legacy that dogs today’s Poland, caught on the tortured edge between self-government and authoritarianism. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2025

Eighteenth-century Ukraine

Zenon E.Kohut, Volodymiyr Sklokin,Frank E.Sysyn (eds.): Eighteenth-century Ukraine : new perspectives on social, cultural, and intellectual history, Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2023]

In 1648, the Cossack revolution of Eastern Europe established a new social and political order that endured until the early nineteenth century. Eighteenth-Century Ukraine provides an innovative reassessment of this crucial period and reflects new developments in the study of eighteenth-century Ukrainian social and cultural history. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 21.05.2024

Jewish Partisans of the Soviet Union during World War II

Yehuda Merin, Jack Nusan Porter (ed.): Jewish Partisans of the Soviet Union during World War II, Boston, MA : Academic Studies Press, [2021]

Jewish Partisans of the Soviet Union is a classic compilation of original Russian and Jewish sources on the anti-Nazi resistance in Eastern Europe.
It is rooted in decades of research motivated by a desire to set the record straight on Jewish participation in resistance movements, a phenomenon often overlooked when not actively concealed.
As the son of Jewish partisans in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, Jack Porter presents here the result of his decades-long research: first-hand accounts and interviews with survivors and partisans, as well as some of their original work, and a seminal English translation of Partisan Brotherhood, a historical document gathered by Russian-Jewish intellectuals in 1948 at the height of anti-Semitic hysteria, written mainly by non-Jewish Soviet partisan commanders recounting the deeds of the Jewish fighters in their units. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 21.05.2024

Ukraine's maidan, Russia's war

Mychailo Wynnyckyj: Ukraine's maidan, Russia's war : a chronicle and analysis of the revolution of dignity, Stuttgart : Ibidem Press, [2019]

In early 2014, sparked by an assault by their government on peaceful students, Ukrainians rose up against a deeply corrupt, Moscow-backed regime. Initially demonstrating under the banner of EU integration, the Maidan protesters proclaimed their right to a dignified existence; they learned to organize, to act collectively, to become a civil society. Most prominently, they established a new Ukrainian identity: territorial, inclusive, and present-focused with powerful mobilizing symbols. Driven by an urban "bourgeoisie" that rejected the hierarchies of industrial society in favor of a postmodern heterarchy, a previously passive post-Soviet country experienced a profound social revolution that generated new senses: "Dignity" and "fairness" became rallying cries for millions. Europe as the symbolic target of political aspiration gradually faded, but the impact (including on Europe) of Ukraine's revolution remained. When Russia invaded--illegally annexing Crimea and then feeding continuous military conflict in the Donbas--Ukrainians responded with a massive volunteer effort and touching patriotism. In the process, they transformed their country, the region, and indeed the world. This book provides a chronicle of Ukraine's Maidan and Russia's ongoing war, and puts forth an analysis of the Revolution of Dignity from the perspective of a participant observer. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 25.03.2024

Ukraine : what everyone needs to know®

Serhy Yekelchyk: Ukraine : what everyone needs to know®, New York : Oxford University Press, Incorporated ; [Ann Arbor] : Proquest, [2020]

Conventional wisdom dictates that Ukraine’s political crises can be traced to the linguistic differences and divided political loyalties that have long fractured the country. However, this theory obscures the true significance of Ukraine’s recent civic revolution and the conflict’s crucial international dimension. The 2013-14 Ukrainian revolution presented authoritarian powers in Russia with both a democratic and a geopolitical challenge. In reality, political conflict in Ukraine is reflective of global discord, stemming from differing views on state power, civil society, and democracy. Ukraine’s sudden prominence in American politics has compounded an already-widespread misunderstanding of what is actually happening in the nation. In the American media, Ukraine has come to signify an inherently corrupt place, rather than a real country struggling in the face of great challenges. Ukraine: What Everyone Needs to Know® is an updated edition of Serhy Yekelchyk’s 2015 publication, The Conflict in Ukraine. It addresses Ukraine’s relations with the West, particularly the United States, from the perspective of Ukrainians. The book explains how independent Ukraine fell victim to crony capitalism, how its people rebelled twice in the last two decades in the name of democracy and against corruption, and why Russia reacted so aggressively to the strivings of Ukrainians. Additionally, it looks at what we know about alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 US presidential election, the factors behind the stunning electoral victory of the political novice Volodymyr Zelensky, and the ways in which the events leading to the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump have changed the Russia-Ukraine-US relationship. This volume is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the forces that have shaped contemporary politics in this increasingly important part of Europe, as well as the international background of the impeachment proceedings in the US. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 25.03.2024

Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine

Gwendolyn Sasse: Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine : Hintergründe, Ereignisse, Folgen, München : C.H. Beck, 2022

Warum und wogegen führt Russland in der Ukraine Krieg? Und wie erklärt sich die Stärke des ukrainischen Widerstands, von dem nicht nur Wladimir Putin überrascht wurde, sondern auch viele westliche Beobachter und Beobachterinnen? Die Osteuropa-Expertin Gwendolyn Sasse analysiert die Hintergründe des russischen Angriffs, der schon 2014 begann, und fragt, welche Folgen er hat - für Russland, für die Ukraine, aber auch für uns im Westen.
Am 24. Februar 2022 griff Russland die gesamte Ukraine an, gegen die es schon seit 2014 Krieg führte. Zunächst erfolgten Luftschläge, dann bewegten sich Panzerkolonnen auf Kiew und andere ukrainische Städte zu. Millionen Menschen flohen, viele wurden verwundet oder getötet. Wie konnte es dazu kommen? Warum entschloss sich Putin zu diesem Schritt? Gwendolyn Sasse seziert die Faktoren, die zu dieser verhängnisvollen Entscheidung führten und zeigt, wie sehr die eigenständige Entwicklung der Ukraine das russische Machtsystem bedrohte. Dabei räumt sie mit zahlreichen Fehlwahrnehmungen auf, die gerade auch in Deutschland das Bild der Ukraine lange verzerrt haben. So entsteht eine erhellende historische und politische Einordnung des russischen Überfalls, der die westlichen Staaten und die internationale Ordnung vor enorme Herausforderungen stellt. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 25.03.2024

Priest, politician, collaborator

James Mace Ward: Priest, politician, collaborator : Jozef Tiso and the making of fascist Slovakia, Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2013

In Priest, Politician, Collaborator, James Mace Ward offers the first comprehensive and scholarly English-language biography of the Catholic priest and Slovak nationalist Jozef Tiso (1887-1947). The first president of an independent Slovakia, established as a satellite of Nazi Germany, Tiso was ultimately hanged for treason and (in effect) crimes against humanity by a postwar reunified Czechoslovakia. Drawing on extensive archival research, Ward portrays Tiso as a devoutly religious man who came to privilege the maintenance of a Slovak state over all other concerns, helping thus to condemn Slovak Jewry to destruction. Ward, however, refuses to reduce Tiso to a mere opportunist, portraying him also as a man of principle and a victim of international circumstances. This potent mix, combined with an almost epic ability to deny the consequences of his own actions, ultimately led to Tiso's undoing. Tiso began his career as a fervent priest seeking to defend the church and pursue social justice within the Kingdom of Hungary. With the breakup of Austria-Hungary in 1918 and the creation of a Czechoslovak Republic, these missions then fused with a parochial Slovak nationalist agenda, a complex process that is the core narrative of the book. Ward presents the strongest case yet for Tiso's heavy responsibility in the Holocaust, crimes that he investigates as an outcome of the interplay between Tiso's lifelong pattern of collaboration and the murderous international politics of Hitler's Europe. To this day memories of Tiso divide opinion within Slovakia, burdening the country's efforts to come to terms with its own history. As portrayed in this masterful biography, Tiso's life not only illuminates the history of a small state but also supplies a missing piece of the larger puzzle that was interwar and wartime Europe. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 25.03.2024

Vanished history

Tomas Sniegon: Vanished history: The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture, New York, NY : Berghahn Books, 2014

Bohemia and Moravia, today part of the Czech Republic, was the first territory with a majority of non-German speakers occupied by Hitler’s Third Reich on the eve of the World War II. Tens of thousands of Jewish inhabitants in the so called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia soon felt the tragic consequences of Nazi racial politics. Not all Czechs, however, remained passive bystanders during the genocide. After the destruction of Czechoslovakia in 1938-39, Slovakia became a formally independent but fully subordinate satellite of Germany. Despite the fact it was not occupied until 1944, Slovakia paid Germany to deport its own Jewish citizens to extermination camps.
About 270,000 out of the 360,000 Czech and Slovak casualties of World War II were victims of the Holocaust. Despite these statistics, the Holocaust vanished almost entirely from post-war Czechoslovak, and later Czech and Slovak, historical cultures. The communist dictatorship carried the main responsibility for this disappearance, yet the situation has not changed much since the fall of the communist regime. The main questions of this study are how and why the Holocaust was excluded from the Czech and Slovak history. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 25.03.2024

Companion to historiography

Michael Bentley (ed.): Companion to historiography, London, New York : Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 1997

The Companion to Historiography is an original analysis of the moods and trends in historical writing throughout its phases of development and explores the assumptions and procedures that have formed the creation of historical perspectives. Contributed by a distinguished panel of academics, each essay conveys in direct, jargon-free language a genuinely international, wide-angled view of the ideas, traditions and institutions that lie behind the contemporary urgency of world history. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 25.03.2024

Ukraine vs. Darkness

Olexander Scherba: Ukraine vs. Darkness : undiplomatic thoughts, Stuttgart : ibidem Verlag, 2021

This book draws on the author’s experience from 26 years of Ukrainian diplomatic service in, among others, Bonn, Berlin, Washington, and Vienna, and his work as a speechwriter to most Ukrainian foreign ministers for the last two decades. Scherba’s captivating essays reflect his views of international affairs from a Ukrainian perspective. His deliberations are presented in uncomplicated, plain language. The articles assembled here have repeatedly caused discussion in Ukraine and abroad. By his opponents, Scherba is often described as being surprisingly undiplomatic and even provocative. For instance, his article “Why nationalism can’t be the national idea of a European Ukraine”, published on a Ukrainian nationalist website, stirred considerable controversy in Ukraine. Aside from explaining Kyiv’s take on some key issues of international relations, these essays provide insights into Ukrainian political thinking since the start of Russia’s military aggression in 2014, and into the painful political intramural fights in Ukrainian society ever since. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Die Albaner

Oliver Jens Schmitt: Die Albaner : eine Geschichte zwischen Orient und Okzident, München, C.H. Beck, 2018

Seit dem Kosovokrieg und der späteren Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo beschäftigt die „albanische Frage“ die europäische Politik. 1912 entstand, nach dem Ende des Osmanischen Reiches, der albanische Staat. Doch umfasst er nur gut die Hälfte aller Albaner, die das größte muslimische Volk Europas sind. Erstmals schildert das vorliegende Buch die Geschichte aller Albaner in Südosteuropa, in Albanien, aber auch in Kosovo, Makedonien, Montenegro und Griechenland. Viele Jahre war Albanien unter dem Diktator Enver Hoxha von aller Welt isoliert. Seit 2008 gibt es mit Albanien und Kosovo zwei albanische Staaten, die beide mit schweren politischen und wirtschaftlichen Problemen kämpfen. Die Albaner stellen sich heute zunehmend die Frage, wohin sie gehören: zum islamischen Orient oder zum europäischen Okzident? (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Images of otherness in Russia

Kati Parppei, Bulat Rakhimzianov (ed.): Images of otherness in Russia, 1547-1917, [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2023

Defining the Others, “them”, in relation to one’s own reference group, “us”, has been an essential phase in the formation of collective identities. This volume examines the development and contexts of various images, perceptions and categories of the external and internal Others in Russia from the 16th century Muscovy to the collapse of the Russian empire. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Czech refugees in Cold War Canada

Jan Raska: Czech refugees in Cold War Canada, [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, [2018]

During the Cold War, more than 36,000 individuals entering Canada claimed Czechoslovakia as their country of citizenship. A defining characteristic of this migration of predominantly political refugees was the prevalence of anti-communist and democratic values. Diplomats, industrialists, politicians, professionals, workers, and students fled to the West in search of freedom, security, and economic opportunity.
Jan Raska’s Czech Refugees in Cold War Canada explores how these newcomers joined or formed ethnocultural organizations to help in their attempts to affect developments in Czechoslovakia and Canadian foreign policy towards their homeland. Canadian authorities further legitimized the Czech refugees’ anti-communist agenda and increased their influence in Czechoslovak institutions. In turn, these organizations supported Canada’s Cold War agenda of securing the state from communist infiltration. Ultimately, an adherence to anti-communism, the promotion of Canadian citizenship, and the cultivation of a Czechoslovak ethnocultural heritage accelerated Czech refugees’ socioeconomic and political integration in Cold War Canada. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Pan-Slavism and Slavophilia in contemporary Central and Eastern Europe

Mikhail Suslov, Marek Čejka, Vladimir Đorđević (ed.): Pan-Slavism and Slavophilia in contemporary Central and Eastern Europe : origins, manifestations and functions, [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, [2023]

This book explores origins, manifestations, and functions of Pan-Slavism in contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, arguing that despite the extinction of Pan-Slavism as an articulated Romantic-era geopolitical ideology, a number of related discourses, metaphors, and emotions have spilled over into the mainstream debates and popular imagination. Using the term Slavophilia to capture the range of representations, the volume analyses how geopolitical discourses shape the identity and policies of a community, providing a comparative analysis that covers a range of Slavic countries in order to understand how Pan-Slavism works and resonates across geographic and political contexts. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Kommunist - Jude - Ungar?

Franz Sz. Horváth: Kommunist - Jude - Ungar? Leben und Werk des heimatlosen Philosophen Ernő Gáll, [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2023

Das Leben des ungarisch-jüdischen Philosophen Ernő Gáll (1917-2000) steht für das (jüdische) Leid, die politischen Hoffnungen und Enttäuschungen einer ganzen ostmitteleuropäischen Generation. Franz Sz. Horváth stellt Gáll als Jungkommunisten in Rumänien, als verfolgten Juden in Ungarn (1940-1945) und im KZ Buchenwald vor. Er schildert Gáll als stalinistischen Dogmatiker in Rumänien (1945-1956), als Reformmarxisten und Minderheitenintellektuellen (nach 1968). Gálls hybride (jüdisch-kommunistisch-ungarische) Identitäten, seine kommunitaristische Ethik der Würde und Verantwortung werden analysiert. Doch arbeitet der Verfasser auch Gálls Bemühungen, den Holocaust philosophisch zu deuten (Ettersberger Grübeleien), und seine vorsichtige Wiederannäherung an das Judentum im Alter heraus. Hierzu wertete er u.a. Gálls umfangreichen Briefwechsel, seine Tagebücher, Publikationen und Securitate-Akten aus. So gelingt es Horváth, die widersprüchliche Wahrnehmung Gálls als ungarischer Nationalist (durch die Securitate), als Jude im Dienst der rumänischen Partei (so die Ungarn) und als „dem Judentum entfremdeter Jude“ (so seine jüdischen Freunde) aufzuzeigen. Diese erste Biographie des heimatlosen Philosophen Ernő Gáll weist zuletzt nach, dass man mit Gálls Begriffsschöpfung der „Würde der Eigenart“ an heutige Identitätsdiskurse anknüpfen kann. Schließlich gewährt die Einbettung des Gállschen Lebenswegs in die Erfahrungswelt seiner Generation auch einen Einblick in die rumänienungarische Minderheitengeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Cold War exiles and the CIA

Benjamin Tromly: Cold War exiles and the CIA : plotting to free Russia, [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2019

At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, the United States government unleashed covert operations intended to weaken the Soviet Union. As part of these efforts, the CIA committed to supporting Russian exiles, populations uprooted either during World War Two or by the Russian Revolution decades before. No one seemed better prepared to fight in the American secret war against communism than the uprooted Russians, whom the CIA directed to carry out propaganda,espionage, and subversion operations from their home base in West Germany. Yet the American engagement of Russian exiles had unpredictable outcomes. Drawing on recently declassified and previously untapped sources, Cold War Exiles and the CIA examines how the CIA's Russian operations became entangled withthe internal struggles of Russia abroad and also the espionage wars of the superpowers in divided Germany. What resulted was a transnational political sphere involving different groups of Russian exiles, American and German anti-communists, and spies operating on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Inadvertently, CIA's patronage of Russian exiles forged a complex sub-front in the wider Cold War, demonstrating the ways in which the hostilities of the Cold War played out in ancillary conflictsinvolving proxies and non-state actors. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Reading history

Michael Burger: Reading history, Birmingham] : EBSCOhost, [2022]

History students read a lot. They read primary sources. They read specialized articles and monographs. They sometimes read popular histories. And they read textbooks. Yet students are beginners, and as beginners they need to learn the differences among various kinds of readings - their natures, their challenges, and the unique expectations one needs to bring to each of them.
Reading History is a practical guide to help students read better. Uniquely designed with the author’s engaging explanations in the margins, the book describes primary sources across various genres, including documents of practice, treatises, and literary works, as well as secondary sources such as textbooks, articles, and monographs. An appendix contains tips and questions for reading primary or secondary sources.
Full of practical advice and hands-on training that allows students to be successful, Reading History will cultivate a wider appreciation for the discipline of history. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Kooperationen in Europa

Mihai Márton, Dorin Dobra, Zsolt K. Lengyel (Hrsg.): Kooperationen in Europa : Modelle aus dem 20. Jahrhundert, [Birmingham] : EBSCOhost, 2014

Europa hat im 20. Jahrhundert eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Kooperationsmodelle erlebt. Dieser Band stellt einige dieser Konzepte vor. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei deren Entstehung, Rezeption und Wirkung vor allem in Ost,- Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa, wobei der Bogen von den 1920er und 1930er Jahren über die kommunistische Nachkriegszeit bis in die Gegenwart reicht. Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes sind an universitären und außeruniversitären Einrichtungen in Berlin, Bochum, Budapest, Cluj-Napoca und Regensburg beschäftigt. Ihren deutsch- bzw. englischsprachigen Aufsätzen sind Zusammenfassungen in der jeweils anderen Sprache beigefügt. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024