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Vita des Konstantin-Kyrill

Thomas Daiber: Vita des Konstantin-Kyrill : altkirchenslavischer Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar. [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2023

Die Lebensgeschichte des Konstantin, der kurz vor seinem Tod 869 in Rom den Mönchsnamen Kyrill annahm, stellt eines der wichtigsten Zeugnisse der slavischen Kultur dar. Die Vita erzählt, wie ein begabter und früh zur theologischen Laufbahn entschlossener junger Mann aus dem damals zweisprachigen griechisch-altbulgarischen Saloniki nach Konstantinopel als Prinzenerzieher gerufen wird, dort an den besten Schulen studiert, eine Professur annimmt und bald mit diplomatischen Aufgaben betreut wird. Schließlich wird er zusammen mit seinem älteren Bruder Method in das Großmährische Reich entsandt, um dort das Christentum östlicher Prägung einzuführen.
Zu diesem Zweck entwirft Kyrill das erste slavische Alphabet und legt zusammen mit Method und ihren beiden Schülern ein umfangreiches Übersetzungswerk vor. Dieses aufgrund seiner Funktion Altkirchenslavisch genannte Altbulgarisch war auch im westslavischen Sprachgebiet verständlich. Die Fortsetzung der von Kyrill und Method begründeten slavischen Schriftkultur im ersten bulgarischen Reich und ihr Transfer in das ein Jahrhundert später christianisierte Russland sowie die Heiligenverehrung der „Slavenapostel“ Kyrill und Method haben bis heute eminente, auch politische Bedeutung. Neue Erkenntnisse haben eine Neuübersetzung und Kommentierung der Vita nötig gemacht. Thomas Daiber hat sich dieser Aufgabe unterzogen und zeigt anhand eines ausführlichen Apparats, dass es sich - entgegen einer langen slavistischen Tradition - um kein originales altkirchenslavisches Werk handelt, sondern vielmehr um eine Übersetzung, die einer griechischen, heute verlorenen Vorlage verpflichtet ist. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 4.03.2024

Entlehnungen im slowenischen Basiswortschatz

Emmerich Kelih: Entlehnungen im slowenischen Basiswortschatz : ein gebrauchsbasierter Ansatz., Berlin : Peter Lang, [2023]

Der vorliegende Band bietet eine systematische Analyse des slowenischen Basiswortschatzes im Hinblick auf die in ihm vorkommenden lexikalischen Entlehnungen. Auf der Grundlage einer Wortliste mit über 1400 Bedeutungen und deren Untergliederung in 24 lexikalisch-semantische Gruppen werden die Gesamtanzahl an Entlehnungen und die thematischen Präferenzzonen für Entlehnungen ermittelt. Die chronologische Einordnung zeigt, dass das maßgebliche Inventar an Entlehnungen bereits in früheren Zeiten übernommen wurde. Im Hinblick auf die Gebersprachen sind keine dominanten Einflüsse nachzuweisen. Aus einer gebrauchsbasierten Perspektive zeigt sich, dass die Entlehnungen eine periphere Rolle einnehmen und hauptsächlich im mittel- und niederfrequenten Bereich zu finden sind. Darüber hinaus ist auch ihr semantisches Potenzial begrenzt. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 4.03.2024

Lexikologie der kroatischen Sprache der Gegenwart

Barbara Kunzmann-Müller unter Mitarbeit von Ana Nemec: Lexikologie der kroatischen Sprache der Gegenwart : eine Einführung. Hamburg : Buske, [2021]

Das primäre Interesse der Lexikologie gilt der Inhaltsseite des Wortes: Welche Bedeutung bzw. Bedeutungen werden einem Lautkörper zugeordnet und in welchen Relationen stehen sie zueinander? In 12 Kapiteln ist in detaillierten Unterkapiteln die kroatische Sprache der Gegenwart in deutscher Sprache systematisch beschrieben. Grundbegriffe der Lexikologie werden eingeführt.
Eine Vielzahl von Beispielen und übersichtlichen Tabellen illustriert Phänomene wie Synonymie, Antonymie, Hyperonymie, Hyponymie, Wortfeld, Wortfamilie bzw. syntagmatische Relationen. Am Beispiel ausgewählter Bereiche werden schließlich Erscheinungen des kroatischen und deutschen Wortschatzes kontrastiv gegenübergestellt.
Ein ausführliches Literatur- sowie ein Abkürzungs- und ein Sachwörterverzeichnis runden den Band ab. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 4.03.2024

Feminism as world literature

Robin Truth Goodman (ed.): Feminism as world literature. New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2022

The conventional lineage of world literature starts with Goethe and moves through Marx, Said, Moretti, and Damrosch, among others. What if there is another way to trace the lineage starting with Simone de Beauvoir and moving through Hannah Arendt, Julia Kristeva, and Gayatri Spivak? What ideas and issues get left out of the current foundations that have institutionalized world literature, and what can be added, challenged, or changed with this tweaking of the referential terminology?

While feminism has always been a worldly endeavor, the field of world literature seems to skirt away from considering feminism and applying this First-World category to non-First-World contexts. Feminism as World Literature challenges the spatial concept of world literature by reorienting the field’s central directions and concerns. Just as "economy" is currently thought of in terms of global circulation, domination, and power but was once a word noting "household management," other ideas built into world literature and its criticism are viewed here by feminist framings, including the environment, technology, immigration, translation, work, race, governance, image, sound, religion, affect, violence, media, future, and history. In other words, this volume looks to readings and modes of reading that expose how the historical worldliness of texts allows for feminist interventions that might not sit clearly or comfortably on the surfaces. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 4.03.2024

Bulgarian literature as world literature

Dimitar Kambourov, Mihaela P. Harper (ed.): Bulgarian literature as world literature. New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2020

Bulgarian Literature as World Literature examines key aspects and manifestations of 20th- and 21st-century Bulgarian literature by way of the global literary landscape. The first volume to bring together in English the perspectives of prominent writers, translators, and scholars of Bulgarian literature and culture, this long-overdue collection identifies correlations between national and world aesthetic ideologies and literary traditions.

It situates Bulgarian literature within an array of contexts and foregrounds a complex interplay of changing internal and external forces. These forces shaped not only the first collaborative efforts at the turn of the 20th century to insert Bulgarian literature into the world’s literary repository but also the work of contemporary Bulgarian diaspora authors. Mapping histories, geographies, economies, and genetics, the contributors assess the magnitudes and directions of such forces in order to articulate how a distinctly national, “minor” literature produced for internal use and nearly invisible globally until the last decade transforms into world literature today. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 4.03.2024

Composing women

Elfriede Reissig, Leon Stefanija (ed.): Composing women : "femininity" and views on cultures, gender and music of Southeastern Europe since 1918. [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022

This volume presents fifteen musicological perspectives on the creativity of women composers and the question of 'femininity' in Southeastern-European musical cultures from 1918 on. In the questions about and beyond a 'female aesthetics', socio-cultural approaches to the lives of creative women prove to be indispensable for contemporary musicological gender research, because highly complex facts of musical life and social realities in political systems cannot be separated from each other.
By this means the exclusion and marginalization of women composers in the national and international music establishment, as well as strategies for overcoming these systems, are made visible and brought to consciousness. This volume therefore focusses on the social, cultural, and biological preconditions of cultural action, and intends to arouse curiosity for multi-layered realities; it aims to increase the reception of the compositional oeuvre of women composers from Southeastern Europe by the global music scene, the musicological discourse, and an engaged audience. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 4.03.2024

Politika lesa

Michal Hořejší: Politika lesa : Debata o Národním parku Šumava : v letech 1991- 2010. Praha: Filozofická Fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2022

The Yurta-Stroyno Archaeological Project investigated a Roman rural settlement located along the middle stream of the Tundzha River, in south-eastern Bulgaria (Roman province of Thrace). The main objectives of the project were the determination of the habitation dynamics of the settlement, the investigation of its architectural appearance and general function, as well as its possible relation to the Roman military camp in Kabyle.

This volume brings together studies on the settlement?s investigation, including the excavation and surface survey, as well as individual articles dealing with different aspects of the settlement existence and material culture. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 4.03.2024

The Bloomsbury handbook to Cold War literary cultures

Greg Barnhisel (ed.): The Bloomsbury handbook to Cold War literary cultures, [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022

Adopting a unique historical approach to its subject and with a particular focus on the institutions involved in the creation, dissemination, and reception of literature, this handbook surveys the way in which the Cold War shaped literature and literary production, and how literature affected the course of the Cold War. To do so, in addition to more 'traditional' sources it uses institutions like MFA programs, university literature departments, book-review sections of newspapers, publishing houses, non-governmental cultural agencies, libraries, and literary magazines as a way to understand works of the period differently. Broad in both their geographical range and the range of writers they cover, the book's essays examine works of mainstream American literary fiction from writers such as Roth, Updike and Faulkner, as well as moving beyond the U.S. and the U.K. to detail how writers and readers from countries including, but not limited to, Taiwan, Japan, Uganda, South Africa, India, Cuba, the USSR, and the Czech Republic engaged with and contributed to Anglo-American literary texts and institutions. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024

Voicing memories, unearthing identities

Aleksandra Konarzewska, Anna Nakai (ed.): Voicing memories, unearthing identities : studies in the twenty-first-century literatures of Eastern and East-Central Europe, [Ann Arbor] : ProQuest Ebook Central, [2023]

In the region known as Eastern and East-Central Europe, the framework provided by memory studies became highly valuable for understanding the overload of interpretations and conflicting perspectives on events during the twentieth century. The trauma of two world wars, the development of collective consciousness according to national and ethnic categories, stories of the trampled lands and lives of people, and resistance to the rule of authoritarian and totalitarian terrors—these trajectories left complex layers of identities to unfold. The following volume addresses the issue of identity as a pivot in studies of memory and literature. In this context, it addresses the question of cultural negotiation as it took shape between memory and literature, history and literature, and memory and history, with the help of contemporary authors and their works. The authors take the literature of countries such as Estonia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, and Russia as the point of departure, and explain its significance in terms of geographical, theoretical, and thematic perspectives. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 19.02.2024
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Das Warschauer Ghetto : zwischen "Ausnahmezustand" und permanent schlechtem Gewissen

Alexander Höllwerth; mit einem Vorwort von Claus Leggewie: Das Warschauer Ghetto : zwischen "Ausnahmezustand" und permanent schlechtem Gewissen : eine Untersuchung anhand zentraler Texte der polnischen Literatur. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020

Der Band beleuchtet das Thema des Warschauer Ghettos in der polnischen Literatur. Die zentralen Kategorien der Untersuchung sind Bachtins «Chronotop»-Konzept sowie Schmitts und Agambens Theorie des «Ausnahmezustands». Das Spektrum der Analyse reicht von Texten aus den 1940er Jahren (Andrzejewski, Miłosz) über solche aus den 1980er Jahren (Rymkiewicz, Błoński) bis hin zu neueren Texten, deren Autoren keine persönliche Erinnerung an die Shoa mehr haben (Ostachowicz). Eine weitere Kategorie der Untersuchung ist die der «Augenzeugenschaft». Sie verleiht der polnischen Literatur - als der Literatur jenes Landes, das sich im Epizentrum des Zivilisationsbruchs der Shoa befunden hat - eine exzeptionelle Bedeutung. Insgesamt bringt dieses Buch eine Reihe von neuen Aspekten in die Erforschung der polnischen und europäischen Shoa-Erinnerungskultur ein. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 3.01.2021
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Writing Postcommunism

David Williams: Writing Postcommunism: Towards a Literature of the East European Ruins. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013

Moving through the elegiac ruins of the Berlin Wall and the Yugoslav disintegration, Writing Postcommunism explores literary evocations of the pervasive disappointment and mourning that have marked the postcommunist twilight. With particular reference to the writings of Croatian émigré Dubravka Ugrešić, and those of Milan Kundera, Clemens Meyer, Ingo Schulze, Jáchym Topol, Christa Wolf, and others, it is argued that a significant body of postcommunist literature is underpinned and scarred by the semantic field of ruins: melancholia and nostalgia, presence and absence, pride and shame, and not least, remembering and forgetting. Taken together, the writings considered suggest a post-1989 'literature of the ruins', an amorphous, anti-formative framework that also dramatically illuminates the post-1989 ruins of east European literature itself - what remains when, as György Konrád put it, 'something is over'. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 10.12.2020
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From Post-Yugoslavia to the Female Continent

Tijana Matijevic: From Post-Yugoslavia to the Female Continent. Bielefeld : transcript-Verlag, [2020]

Women's writing from the former/post-Yugoslavia recollects but also produces the links among the post-Yugoslav present and the Yugoslav past - as either those bygone Yugoslav days or the recent war history. Along with a gynocritical intervention that draws attention to an uninterrupted marginalization of women authors, but also structurally confined female narrators and protagonists, Tijana Matijevic conceptualizes the post-Yugoslav literary field, i.e. the contemporary literary production from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. Along this quest to find the Female Continent, post-Yugoslavia has been demarcated and liberated by feminist writing as collective space-building. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 9.12.2020
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Untersuchungen zum Urslavischen

Georg Holzer: Untersuchungen zum Urslavischen: Einleitende Kapitel, Lautlehre, Morphematik. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2020

Gegenstand dieses Buches ist das um ca. 600 n. Chr. gesprochene Urslavische. Nach der historischen und geographischen Einordnung und der Bestimmung der soziolinguistischen Funktion dieser Sprache behandelt das Buch theoretisch und empirisch die Frage ihrer Einheitlichkeit. Es folgt die hauptsächlich auf die Lehnbeziehungen des mittelalterlichen Slavischen gestützte Rekonstruktion der Phonetik des Urslavischen und der Lautung und Akzentuierung urslavischer Wörter. Danach werden Bereiche der Morphologie des Urslavischen, insbesondere der Wortbildung, detailliert behandelt, wobei im Wesentlichen auf die Methoden der „generativen Phonologie" zurückgegriffen wird. Auch da wird die urslavische Akzentologie konsequent mitberücksichtigt. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 9.12.2020
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Ukrainian women writers and the national imaginary

Oleksandra Wallo: Ukrainian women writers and the national imaginary : from the collapse of the USSR to the Euromaidan. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2019

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian literary world has not only experienced a true blossoming of women's prose, but has also witnessed a number of female authors assume the roles of literary trendsetters and authoritative critics of their culture. In this first in-depth study of how Ukrainian women's prose writing was able to re-emerge so powerfully after being marginalized in the Soviet era, Oleksandra Wallo examines the writings and literary careers of leading contemporary Ukrainian women authors, such as Oksana Zabuzhko, Ievheniia Kononenko, and Maria Matios. Her study shows how these women reshaped literary culture with their contributions to the development of the Ukrainian national imaginary in the wake of the Soviet state's disintegration. The interjection of women's voices and perspectives into the narratives about the nation has often permitted these writers to highlight the diversity of the national picture and the complexity of the national story. Utilizing insights from postcolonial and nationalism studies, Wallo's book theorizes the interdependence between the national imaginary and narrative plots, and scrutinizes how prominent Ukrainian women authors experimented with literary form in order to rewrite the story of women and nationhood. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 9.12.2020
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Ghostly paradoxes

Ilya Vinitsky: Ghostly paradoxes : modern spiritualism and Russian culture in the age of realism. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2009

The culture of nineteenth-century Russia is often seen as dominated by realism in the arts, as exemplified by the novels of Leo Tolstoy and Ivan Turgenev, the paintings of'the Wanderers,'and the historical operas of Modest Mussorgsky. Paradoxically, nineteenth-century Russia was also consumed with a passion for spiritualist activities such as table-rappings, seances of spirit communication, and materialization of the'spirits.'Ghostly Paradoxes examines the surprising relationship between spiritualist beliefs and practices and the positivist mindset of the Russian Age of Realism (1850-80) to demonstrate the ways in which the two disparate movements influenced each other.Foregrounding the important role that nineteenth-century spiritualism played in the period's aesthetic, ideological, and epistemological debates, Ilya Vinitsky challenges literary scholars who have considered spiritualism to be archaic and peripheral to other cultural issues of the time. Ghostly Paradoxes is an innovative work of literary scholarship that traces the reactions of Russia's major realist authors to spiritualist events and doctrines and demonstrates that both movements can be understood only when examined together. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 9.12.2020
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The bilingual muse

Adrian Wanner: The bilingual muse : self-translation among Russian poets. Evanston, Illinois : Northwestern University Press, 2020

The Bilingual Muse analyzes the work of seven Russian poets who translated their own poems into English, French, German, or Italian. Investigating the parallel versions of self-translated poetic texts by Vladimir Nabokov, Joseph Brodsky, Andrey Gritsman, Katia Kapovich, Marina Tsvetaeva, Wassily Kandinsky, and Elizaveta Kul’man, Adrian Wanner considers how verbal creativity functions in different languages, the conundrum of translation, and the vagaries of bilingual identities. Wanner argues that the perceived marginality of self-translation stems from a romantic privileging of the mother tongue and the original text. The unprecedented recent dispersion of Russian speakers over three continents has led to the emergence of a new generation of diasporic Russians who provide a more receptive milieu for multilingual creativity. The book will be of interest to scholars in Russian literature, comparative literature, applied linguistics, translation studies, and the rapidly developing field of self-translation studies. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 9.12.2020
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Understanding conversational joking

Nadine Thielemann: Understanding conversational joking : a cognitive-pragmatic study based on Russian interactions. Amsterdam : Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2020]

"This book examines the diverse forms of conversational humor with the help of examples drawn from casual interactions among Russian speakers. It argues that neither an exclusively discourse-analytic perspective on the phenomenon nor an exclusively cognitive one can adequately account for conversational joking. Instead, the work advocates reconciling these two perspectives in order to describe such humor as a form of cognitive and communicative creativity, by means of which interlocutors convey additional meanings and imply further interpretive frames. Accordingly, in order to analyze cognition in interaction, it introduces a discourse-semantic framework which complements mental spaces and blending theory with ideas from discourse analysis. On the one hand, this enables both the emergent and interactive character and the surface features of conversational joking to be addressed. On the other, it incorporates into the analysis those normally backgrounded cognitive processes responsible for the additional meanings emerging from, and communicated by jocular utterances." (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 9.12.2020
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Zeit und Tempus im Deutschen und Bulgarischen

Mina Ioveva: Zeit und Tempus im Deutschen und Bulgarischen : Versuch einer kulturkontrastiven Betrachtung. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2014

Was ist die Zeit? Inwiefern bringen die deutschen und bulgarischen Tempora den Zeitbezug zum Ausdruck? Ist ein Zusammenhang des Satzrahmens im Deutschen mit dem Lebensraum der Germanen oder der Nacherzählformen im Bulgarischen mit der Kultur der Protobulgaren denkbar? Mit diesen Fragestellungen analysiert die Verfasserin, am Beispiel der deutschen und bulgarischen Tempora, kulturphilosophische Hintergründe für die Entwicklung sprachlicher Phänomene. Ideengrundlage der Untersuchung bildet Wilhelm von Humboldts Überzeugung, dass Sprachen Weltanschauungen und Tempussysteme Zeitvorstellungen widerspiegeln. Die interdisziplinär angelegte Arbeit umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Wissensbereichen von Sprachwissenschaft, interkultureller Grammatik, Kultur, Geschichte und Geographie bis zu Neurowissenschaften. (Verlagstext)

Hinzugefügt am 30.04.2020