Bibliometric Expert Analyses for External Customers

Aim & Description:

Expert analyses for external customers are carried out at micro-level (individual researchers and small research groups), meso-level (institutes, faculties and institutions) and macro-level (countries, worldwide).

Our Team has a wealth of experience in the creation of bibliometric expert analyses for prestigious customers such as the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, University of Göttingen, Technopolis, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF).

Target Group and Availability:

External customers (not members of the University of Vienna) like research funders, science foundations, universities and editors.
This service is subject to charge and is often provided together with national and international cooperations. The costs depend on the type and complexity of the analyses requested.

Please send us your specific request, which we gladly answer with an individual price quotation.

For more information and commissions, please contact: