
Bibliometric Services for the Administration at the University of Vienna

  1. Bibliometric Profiles for Individual Evaluation
  2. Bibliometric Profiles for Faculty Evaluations
  3. Bibliometric Profiles for Professorial Appointment Procedures and Tenure Track Appointment Procedures

Bibliometric Profiles for Individual Evaluation

Aim & Description:

Our bibliometric reports serve to supplement the self-assessment of a professor who is to be evaluated. The report is mandated by the Rector and composed in agreement between the Team Bibliometrics and Publication Strategies and the professor in question. After completion, the report is provided to the peers and the Rector.

The process includes:

  • an initial interview with the professor who is to be evaluated,

  • a bibliometric analysis of the last eight to ten years with the following aspects
    • coverage analyses
    • activity analyses
    • visibility analyses
    • impact analyses
    • analysis of the citing documents
    • cooperation analyses on different levels
    • Altmetrics-analyses (optional)

  • a final discussion of the results with the professor being evaluated
Target Group and Availability:
Professors who are, in accordance with their contracts, to be evaluated five years after their appointment (or as part of a quality assessment). The commission of a bibliometric report through the Rector is specific to each discipline.

General information about bibliometric profiles:
General Information about Bibliometric Profiles

Gorraiz, Juan et al. (2016). Individual Bibliometric Assessment @ University of Vienna: From Numbers to Multidimensional Profiles. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.45402
For further information please contact

Bibliometric Profiles for Faculty Evaluations

Aim & Description:

The faculties and centres at the University of Vienna are subject to periodic evaluations, at least every seven years. The evaluations are performed in accordance with the informed peer review model (https://www.qs.univie.ac.at/en/evaluation/faculties-centres/ ).
Among other support, the evaluated Faculty/ Centre is provided with statistical data. For eligible academic cultures, a bibliometric report is also prepared, according to an agreement with the respective institution.

The central feature of the bibliometric reports produced is a multidimensional approach that favours simple indicators over composite indicators. The main data sources are Web of Science Core Collection (WoS - CC) and u:cris. Scopus, OpenAlex and Altmetric can also be used.

The created bibliometric report is first presented to the Faculty. After discussion with the Faculty a verified version is then send to the peers.

Target Group(s) and Availability:

Faculties/ Centres and Peers

For further information and assignments please contact
Unit for Quality Assurance  at the University of Vienna: michael.hofer@univie.ac.at; sara.john@univie.ac.at; evaluation@univie.ac.at

Bibliometric Profiles for Professorial Appointment Procedures and Tenure Track Appointment Procedures

Aim & Description:

This service is provided for professorial appointment committees. The applicants are bibliometrically analysed and the results gained are provided to the committee. (http://www.qs.univie.ac.at/berufungsverfahren/ ).

The selection of the standards, data sources and criteria (selection of the indicators) used, takes place in agreement with the chair of the appointment committee and then forms the basis for the compilation of data. The retrieved publication output from all applicants who make the shortlist is subsequently analysed in comparison with the publication lists provided.

The generated reports’ most important element is a preference for simple rather than compound indicators, as well as the so-called "top counts approach". The latter approach meets the requirements of bibliometric analyses and considers both the different publication cultures and different strategical orientations in a flexible manner.

Our standard report comprises of the following parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Activity analysis in compliance with the publication lists provided in comparison with the coverage in the data sources used (normally the Web of Science Core Collection)
  3. Bibliometric analysis of the last complete 10 years (including activity, visibility and impact analysis)
  4. Additional information ( shortened citation analysis of the whole career period, extent of the coverage in other data sources and internationalisation)

  5. Control data (research focus, analysis of authorships, percentage of self-citations, etc.)
  6. Timelines and trend lines of the publication output in the last complete 10 years
  7. Applicants network
  8. Comparison of the results gained with those from other data sources (normally Scopus and Google Scholar)
  9. Selected comments, which emphasise the most important bibliometric aspects and reveal significant discrepancies
  10. List of the indicators and abbreviations used
Target Group and Availability:

Professorial appointment committees

These bibliometric analyses can normally be carried out within two to four weeks, depending on the number of applicants to be analysed and the available staff resources. We politely request that clients bear this in mind and contact our team in good time.

For further information and commissions, please contact