For detailed information on the available volumes please consult u:search - Vienna University Library's media search engine.
Titel | Signatur |
A | |
Abba Salama (Addis Abeba) | 02-117 |
Achilliu Polis (Larisa) | 02-510 |
Acta Byzantina Fennica (Helsinki) | 02-383 |
Acta Patristica et Byzantina (Pretoria) | 02-227 |
Aeredes (Genf) | 02-209 |
Aevum (Mailand) | 02-101 |
Aigaiopelagitika themata (Athen) | 02-300 |
Albanohellenica (Elbasan) | 02-487 |
Almanach der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien) | 02-108 |
American Journal of Archaeology | 02-410 |
Anadolu ve Çevresinde Ortaçağ (Ankara) | 02-462 |
Analecta Bollandiana (Brüssel) | 02-001 |
Analekta (Alexandreia) | 02-033 |
Analele Putnei (Putna) | 02-481 |
Analele stiitifice ale Universitatii "A.I. Cuza" din Iasi (serie noua). Sectiunea III a. Istorie (Iasi) | 02-054 |
Andriaka Chronika (Andros) | 02-371 |
Angloellenike epitheorese (Athen) | 02-264 |
Anglo-Hellenic Review (London) | 02-403 |
Annales Historio Prešoviensis (Prešov) | 02-441 |
Annaly Instituta Imeni N. P. Kondakova = Annales de l'Institut Kondakov (Prag, Belgrad) | 02-099 |
Annuaire de l'association d'études byzantines (Athen) | 02-015 |
Annuaire de l'Association scientifique d'études de la Grèce centrale (Athen) | 02-084 |
Annual of Medieval Studies at Central European University (Budapest) | 02-346 |
Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum (Paderborn) | 02-089 |
Antaeus (Budapest) | 02-458 |
Antičnaja drevnost i srednie veka (Sverdlovsk) | 02-411 |
Apollon, Ho: ephemeris tes Hydras politike kai philologike (Hydra) | 02-244 |
Apollonia (Apollon) (Johannesburg) | 02-288 |
Apo Phones (Komotini) | 02-437 |
Archaiologia & Technes (Athen) | 02-391 |
Archeion euboikon meleton (Athen) | 02-060 |
Archeion marxismu (Athen) | 02-281 |
Archeion Pontu (Athen) | 02-097 |
Archeion Thessalikon Meleton (Volos) | 02-125 |
Archeion ton byzantinon mnemeion tes Hellados (Athen) | 02-051 |
Archeion ton oikonomikon kai koinonikon epistemon (Athen) | 02-260 |
Archeiotaxio (Athen) | 02-335 |
Archeologija (Sofia) | 02-184 |
Archeologija Kryma (Simferopol) | 02-368 |
Archives de l'Orient Latin (Paris) | 02-045 |
Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- u. Wappenkunde (Köln) | 02-030 |
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (Berlin) | 02-009 |
Archiv für mittel- und neugriechische Philologie (Athen) | 02-185 |
Archivo Storico Messinese (Messina) | 02-382 |
Argeiake Ge (Argos) | 02-430 |
Ariadne (Rethymno) | 02-178 |
Assaph - Sect. B: Studies in art history (Tel Aviv) | 02-206 |
Association Guillaume Budé - Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé (Paris) | 02-066 |
Association Internationale d'Etudes du Sud-Est Européen (AIESEE; Bukarest) | 02-038 |
Asteros (Kymi) | 02-459 |
Athena (Athen) | 02-379 |
Athena: Ephemeris Philologike, Epistemonike, Politike kai Emporike (Paris) | 02-316 |
Atti della Accademia Pontaniana (Napoli) | 02-452 |
B | |
Balcanoslavica (Belgrad) | 02-127 |
Balkanika Posnanensia (Poznan) | 02-387 |
Balkanika Symmeikta (Thessaloniki) | 02-386 |
Balkanistika (Sofia) | 02-287 |
Balkan Studies (Thessaloniki) | 02-016 |
Basilissa (Belfast) | 02-435 |
Beiruter Blätter (Beirut) | 02-420 |
Beiträge für Cyprus-Studies (Wien) | 02-276 |
Bessarione (Rom) | 02-073 |
Bibliophilia (Athena) | 02-422 |
Bizantinistica: Rivista di studi bizantini e slavi (Bologna) | 02-168 |
Bizantion Nea Hellas (Santiago) | 02-496 |
Bollettino dei Classici (Rom) | 02-028 |
Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata (Grottaferrata) | 02-057 |
Bollettino del comitato per la preparazione dell'edizione nazionale dei classici greci e latini (Rom) | 02-028 |
Bollettino dell'Istituto di Storia della Società e dello Stato Veneziano (Venedig) | 02-034 |
Bulgaria Mediaevalis (Sofia) | 02-386 |
Bulgarian Historical Review (Sofia) | 02-357 |
Bulgaria Pontica Medii Aevi (Sofia) | 02-419 |
Bulgarica (Sofia) | 02-423 |
Bulletin (Uppsala) | 02-370 |
Bulletin d'Archéologie Sud–Est Européenne (Bukarest) | 02-134 |
Bulletin de la Section Historique (Acad. Roumaine, Bukarest) | 02-111 |
Bulletin de la Société historique et ethnologique de la Grèce (Athen) | 02-040 |
Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé (Paris) | 02-066 |
Bulletin de liaison Néo-hellénique (Paris) | 02-369 |
Byzantiaka (Thessaloniki) | 02-170 |
Byzantina (Thessaloniki) | 02-090 |
Byzantina, Metabyzantina (New York) | 02-106 |
Byzantina Vindobonensia (Wien) | 02-055 |
Byzantina et Neograeca Vindobonensia (Wien) | 02-055 |
Byzantina et Neo-Hellenica Neapolitana (Neapel) | 02-124 |
Byzantinai meletai (Athen) | 02-180 |
Byzantina Symmeikta (Athen) | 02-081 |
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (London / Birmingham) | 02-133 |
Byzantine Studies-Études Byzantines (Pittsburgh) | 02-129 |
Byzantinische Forschungen (Amsterdam) | 02-067 |
Byzantinische Zeitschrift (München) | 02-010 |
Byzantinisch-neugriechische Jahrbücher (Athen, Berlin) | 02-025 |
Byzantinobulgarica (Sofia) | 02-035 |
Byzantinorussica (Moskau) | 02-199 |
Byzantinos Domos (Athen) | 02-162 |
Byzantinoslavica (Prag) | 02-012 |
Byzantinoslovaca (Bratislava) | 02-456 |
Byzantion (Brüssel) | 02-002 |
Byzantis (Athen) | 02-153 |
Byzantium & the North (Helsinki) | 02-383 |
C | |
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale (Poitiers) | 02-339 |
Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen–Age Grec et Latin (Kopenhagen) | 02-088 |
Cahiers Pierre Belon: Recherches interdisciplinaires sur les mondes hellénique et balkanique (Paris) | 02-201 |
Carnuntum Jahrbuch (Wien) | 02-364 |
Cassiodorus: rivista di studi sulla tarda antichita (Soveria Mannelli) | 02-193 |
Chiaka Chronika (Chios) | 02-218 |
Choregia (Münster) | 02-495 |
Chronika tes Lapethu (Lapethos, Nikosia) | 02-103 |
Chrysallis (Athen) | 02-263 |
Church and Theology (London) | 02-165 |
Classical Views (Calgary) | 02-409 |
Codices manuscripti (Wien) | 02-177 |
Computer und Antike (St. Katharinen) | 02-344 |
Convivium (Brno, Lausanne) | 02-099 |
Cornucopia (Istanbul) | 02-513 |
Cretan Studies (Amsterdam) | 02-307 |
Cristianesimo nella storia (Bologna) | 02-164 |
Crkvene studije (Niš) | 02-020 |
Cyprus Journal of European Studies (Nikosia) | 02-374 |
Cyprus Studies (Wien) | 02-276 |
Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage (Columbus) | 02-500 |
Cyrillomethodianum (Thessaloniki) | 02-105 |
D | |
Daidalos (Athen) | 02-469 |
Damals: das aktuelle Geschichtsmagazin (Stuttgart) | 02-274 |
Danaos (Argos) | 02-454 |
Days of art in Greece (Athen) | 02-503 |
Delphoi (Düsseldorf) | 02-352 |
Deltio epistemonikes horologias kai neologismon (Athen) | 02-447 |
Deltio kentru mikrasiatikon spudon (Athen) | 02-232 |
Deltion agrotikes trapezes Hellados (Athen) | 02-297 |
Deltion europaiku kentru byzantinon kai metabyzantinon ereunon (Thessaloniki) | 02-337 |
Deltion tes christianikes archaiologikes hetaireias (Athen) | 02-018 |
Deltion tes historikes kai ethnologikes hetaireias tes Hellados = Bulletin de la Société historique et ethnologique de la Grèce (Athen) | 02-040 |
Deltio tes hetaireias spudon neohelleniku politismu kai genikes paideias (Athen) | 02-254 |
Deltio tes Philarchaiu Hetaireias Almyru Othrys (Almyros) | 02-466 |
Deltio tu ekpaideutiku homilu (Athen) | 02-256 |
Demokratikos Stratos (Athen) | 02-326 |
Denkmalpflege in Sachsen-Anhalt (Berlin) | 02-401 |
Dentro, To (Athen) | 02-238 |
Diabazo (Athen) | 02-253 |
Diachronia (Athen) | 02-202 |
Dialexeis tes Tsechikes Hetaireias Neoellenikon Spudon (Brno) | 02-418 |
Dialogos : Hellenic Studies Review (London) | 02-188 |
Diethnes Epitheorese (Athen) | 02-332 |
Dionysos, Ho (Athen) | 02-234 |
Diptycha (Athen) | 02-163 |
Dodekanesiaka: Etesio Historiko, Philologiko kai Laographiko Periodiko Syngramma (Athen) | 02-079 |
Dodekanesiaka chronika (Athen) | 02-427 |
Dodekanesiakon archeion (Athen) | 02-267 |
Dodone: Epistemonike Epeteris tes Philosophikes Scholes tu Panepistemiu Ioanninon (Ioannina) | 02-123 |
Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Washington, D.C.) | 02-024 |
E | |
Échos d'Orient (Paris, Bukarest) | 02-003 |
Egnatia (Thessaloniki) | 02-063 |
Ekklesia kai theologia: Ekklesiastike kai theologike epeteris tes hieras archiepiskopes Thyateiron kai Megales Britannias = Church and Theology (London) | 02-165 |
Ekklesiastike aletheia: Syngramma Periodikon (Konstantinopel) | 02-173 |
Ekkyklema (Athen) | 02-222A |
Elimeiaka (Thessaloniki) | 02-491 |
Ellopia (Dasos Chaidariou) | 02-306 |
Embolimon (Distomo) | 02-464 |
Eneken (Thessaloniki) | 02-494 |
Eothen (München) | 02-200 |
Epeirotika chronika: Periodikon syngramma (Ioannina) | 02-071 |
Epeterida kentru meleton hieras mones Kykku (Nikosia) | 02-298 |
Epeteris hetaireias byzantinon spudon = Annuaire de l'association d'études byzantines (Athen) | 02-015 |
Epeteris Hetaireias eleiakon meleton (Athen) | 02-404 |
Epeteris hetaireias kretikon spudon (Athen) | 02-007 |
Epeteris hetaireias kykladikon meleton (Athen) | 02-056 |
Epeteris hetaireias leukadikon meleton (Athen) | 02-122 |
Epeteris hetaireias stereohelladikon meleton = Annuaire de l'Association scientifique d'études de la Grèce centrale (Athen) | 02-084 |
Epeteris hidrymatos neoellenikon spudon (Athen) | 02-230 |
Epeteris kentru epistemonikon ereunon (Nikosia) | 02-147 |
Epeteris tu Archeiu tes historias tu helleniku dikaiu (Athen) | 02-077 |
Epeteris tu kentru ereunes tes historias tu helleniku dikaiu (Athen) | 02-077 |
Epeteris tu laographiku archeiu (Athen) | 02-278 |
Epeteris tu mesaioniku archeiu (Athen) | 02-026 |
Ephemeris (Wien) Nachdruck: Athen 1995 | 02-318 |
Ephemeris Athenon (Athen) | 02-243 |
Ephemeris tes Kyberneseos tu Basileiu tes Hellados (Athen) | 02-375 |
Epistemonike epeterida tes Polytechnikes Scholes / Tmema Architektonon (Thessaloniki) | 02-135 |
Epistemonike epeteris (Athen) | 02-039 |
Epistemonike epeteris ekdidomene hypo tes scholes ton nomikon kai oikonomikon epistemon (Thessaloniki) | 02-104 |
Epistemonike epeteris tes kypriakes hetaireias historikon spudon (Nikosia) | 02-212 |
Epistemonike epeteris tes philosophikes scholes (Thessaloniki) | 02-063 |
Epistemonike epeteris tes Philosophikes scholes tu Panepistemiu Athenon (Athen) | 02-006 |
Epistemonike epeteris theologikes scholes (Thessaloniki) | 02-064 |
Epitheorese Kypriaku Dikaiu - Cyprus Law Review (Nikosia) | 02-205 |
Epitheorese technes: Meniaio periodiko grammaton kai technon = Revue d'Art (Athen) | 02-310 |
Epsilon: Modern Greek and Balkan Studies (Kopenhagen) | 02-286 |
Eptakyklos (Athen) | 02-350 |
Eranistes, Ho (Athen) | 02-076 |
Erytheia: Revista de Estudios Bizantinos y Neogriegos (Madrid) | 02-175 |
Estudios Neogriegos (Granada) | 02-321 |
Études Balkaniques (Sofia) | 02-110 |
Études Balkaniques = Cahiers Pierre Belon: Recherches interdisciplinaires sur les mondes hellénique et balkanique (Paris) | 02-201 |
Études byzantines et post-byzantines (Bukarest) | 02-509 |
Études Helleniques = Hellenic Studies (Montreal) | 02-239 |
Eurolimes (Oradea) | 02-484 |
Euthyne, He: periodiko eleutherias kai glossas (Athen) | 02-480 |
F | |
Folia Neohellenica (Amsterdam) | 02-152 |
Folio (Athen) | 02-511 |
Frühmittelalterliche Studien: Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster (Berlin) | 02-100 |
G | |
Galleria : rassegna semestrale di cultura, di storia patria, di scienze letterarie e artistiche e dell’ antichità siciliana (Caltanisetta) | 02-023 |
Glossologia: etesio helleniko periodiko genikes kai historikes glossologias (Athen) | 02-216 |
Godischen zbornik - Annuaire (Skopje) | 02-445 |
Godisnik na Muzeite ot Severna Bălgarija = Jahrbuch der Museen in Nordbulgarien (Varna) | 02-156 |
Godišnik na Sofijskija Universitet Sv. Kliment Ochridski – Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Sofia) | 02-183 |
Godišnik na Sofijskija Universitet Sv. Kliment Ochridski / Centăr za Slavjano-Vizantijski Proučvanija Ivan Dujčev(Sofia) | 02-183 |
Göttinger Beiträge zur byzantinischen und neugriechischen Philologie (Göttingen) | 02-347 |
Graeco-Arabica (Athen) | 02-385 |
Gramma (Athen) | 02-211 |
Grammata kai technes (Athen) | 02-320 |
Grammata: tetrameno logotechniko periodiko (Alexandreia) | 02-273 |
Greek and Byzantine Studies (Cambridge, Mass.) | 02-112 |
Greek Letters: A modern Greek literature annual (Athen) | 02-268 |
Greek Orthodox Theological Review (Brookline, Mass.) | 02-121 |
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (Durham, NC) | 02-112 |
Gregorios ho Palamas: Meniaion theologikon kai threskeutikon periodikon, organon tes Hieras Metropoleos Thessalonikes (Thessaloniki) | 02-062 |
H | |
Hade (Nikosia) | 02-328 |
Harvard Ukrainian Studies (Cambridge, Mass.) | 02-498 |
Hegeso (Athen) | 02-247 |
Hellenic Quarterly (Athen) | 02-450 |
Hellenic Studies (Montreal) | 02-239 |
Hellenika (Thessaloniki) | 02-022 |
Hellenika Grammata: dekapenthemero periodiko (Athen) | 02-259 |
Hellenika: Jahrbuch für die Freunde Griechenlands (Bochum) | 02-235 |
Hellenika kai alla (Göttingen) | 02-325 |
Hellenika Menymata (Neapel) | 02-348 |
Hellenike Demiurgia (Athen) | 02-229 |
Hellenike Dialektologia (Thessaloniki) | 02-330 |
Hellenike Diethnes Glossa (Athen) | 02-295 |
Hellenike epitheorese politikes epistemes (Athen) | 02-313 |
Hellenike koinonia: Epeteris tu Kentru Ereunes tes Hellenikes Koinonias (Athen) | 02-301 |
Hellenikos philologikos syllogos (Konstantinopel) | 02-294m |
Hellénisme Contemporain: revue bimestrielle (Athen) | 02-092 |
Hellenomnemon: symmeikta hellenika, syngramma periodikon (Athen) | 02-075 |
Hemeres technes sten Hellada (Athen) | 02-503 |
Hemerologion tes Anatoles: politeiographikon, philosophikon kai epistemonikon (Konstantinopel) | 02-285 |
Hemerologion tes megales Hellados (Athen) | 02-130 |
Heoa kai hesperia (Athen) | 02-192 |
Hermes ho Logios (Wien) | 02-299 |
Hetaireia Helleniku Logotechniku kai Historiku Archeiu (Athen) | 02-317 |
Hilandarski Zbornik = Recueil de Chilandar (Belgrad) | 02-070 |
Hispania antiqua: revista de historia antigua (Vittoria) | 02-114 |
Histor (Athen) | 02-304 |
Historein: Review of the Past and other stories (Athen) | 02-224 |
Historica = Historika, Ta (Athen) | 02-240 |
Historicum (Linz) | 02-402 |
Historika (Athen) [Nachdruck Athen 2003] | 02-415 |
Historike epitheoresis (Athen) | 02-242 |
Historikogeographika (Ioannina, Thessaloniki) | 02-398 |
Historikon Archeion Ethnikes Antistaseos (Athen) | 02-271 |
History and Computing (Oxford) | 02-191 |
Histria Antiqua (Zagreb) | 02-338 |
Hodos Panos (Athen) | 02-446 |
Hylantron (Nikosia) | 02-421 |
Hyphen. Bema gia ten typographia (Thessaloniki) | 02-477 |
I | |
Idea (Athen) | 02-258 |
Ikon (Rijeka) | 02-488 |
Ilissia (Athen) | 02-463 |
IMEros (Athen) | 02-449 |
In Focus (Nikosia) | 02-440 |
Instituto Neoellēnikōn Ereunōn (EIE) - Enemerotiko Deltio (Athen) | 02-354 |
International journal of the sociology of language (Berlin) | 02-327 |
Irénikon: revue trimestrielle (Chevetogne) | 02-144 |
Iris: halbjährliche Informationsschrift der Stiftung für Griechische Kultur (Athen) | 02-314 |
Istanbul Rescue Archaeological survey (London) | 02-424 |
Istoricesko Druzestvo: Izvestija na Istoriceskoto Druzestvo v Sofija (Sofia) | 02-087 |
Istoriko-Filologiceskij Zurnal (Erevan) | 02-119 |
Italohellenika (Neapel) | 02-289 |
Ithaca (Athen) | 02-405 |
Izvestija na Istoričeski Muzej Kjustendil (Kjustendil) | 02-483 |
Izvestija na Narodnija Muzej (Varna) | 02-151 |
Izvestija Russkago Archeologiceskago Instituta v Konstantinopole (Bulletin de l' Institut Archéologique Russe à Constantinople) (Konstantinopel) | 02-107 |
J | |
Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft (Wien) | 02-005 |
Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik (Wien) | 02-005 |
Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum (Münster) | 02-048 |
Journal of Early Christian History (Pretoria) | 02-227 |
Journal of Greek Linguistics (Amsterdam) | 02-429 |
Journal of Greek Media & Culture (Bristol) | 02-505 |
Journal of Late Antiquity (Baltimore) | 02-474 |
Journal of Modern Greek Studies (Baltimore) | 02-311 |
Journal of Oriental and African Studies (Athen) | 02-182 |
Journal of Roman studies, The (London) | 02-378 |
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora (Indianapolis) | 02-236 |
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld–Institutes (London) | 02-061 |
K | |
Kafedra (Moskau) | 02-512 |
Kairos: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft und Theologie (Salzburg) | 02-141 |
Kalymniaka chronika (Kalymnos) | 02-453 |
Kampos: Cambridge papers in Modern Greek (Cambridge) | 02-312 |
Kanon: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für das Recht der Ostkirchen (Wien) | 02-131 |
Karpathiaka (Rhodos) | 02-406 |
Kassandra (Tübingen) | 02-340 |
Katoptron Neoellenikes Philosophias (Ioannina) | 02-471 |
Keimena kai meletai neoellenikes philologias (Athen) | 02-069 |
Kerynia (Besancon) | 02-319 |
02-331 | |
Kleio (Athen) | 02-431 |
Kleronomia: periodikon demosieuma tu patriarchiku hidrymatos paterikon meleton (Thessaloniki) | 02-083 |
Kochlias (Thessaloniki) | 02-245 |
Koinonia: organo dell'Associazione di Studi Tardoantichi (Neapel) | 02-161 |
Kommunistike epitheorese (Athen) | 02-241 |
Kommunistike theoria kai politike (Athen) | 02-210 |
Kondylophoros (Thessaloniki) | 02-400 |
Konstantinove listy (Nitra) | 02-468 |
Kovčeh / Kibotos (L'viv) | 02-388 |
K - Periodiko kritikes logotechnias kai technon (Athen) | 02-434 |
Kretika chronika (Herakleion) | 02-053 |
Kretike hestia (Chania) | 02-181 |
Kretologia (Brachasi Kretes) | 02-143 |
Kretologiko Synedrio | 02-416 |
Kritike kai keimena (Athen) | 02-291 |
Kyklos, Ho (Athen) | 02-250 |
Kypriakai spudai (Nikosia) | 02-042 |
Kypriake bibliophilia (Nikosia) | 02-499 |
Kypriakos logos (Nikosia) | 02-102 |
Kyrilometodievski studii (Sofia) | 02-334 |
L | |
Lakonikai spudai (Athen) | 02-126 |
Laographia (Athen) | 02-036 |
Lexe, He (Athen) | 02-231 |
Lexikographikon archeion tes meses kai neas hellenikes (Athen) | 02-041 |
Liber annuus (Jerusalem) | 02-150 |
Logios Pan, Ho (Kallithea) | 02-305 |
Logou charin (Athen) | 02-355 |
M | |
Macedonia Historical Review (Skopje) | 02-493 |
Macedonian Studies : quarterly journal devoted to Macedonian history, Byzantine studies, culture and historic tradition of the Slavs in Southern Europe (New Delhi, Wien) | 02-172 |
Makedonika (Thessaloniki) | 02-032 |
Makedonike zoe (Thessaloniki) | 02-482 |
Mantatophoros: bulletin of modern Greek studies (Birmingham) | 02-139 |
Mar Nero, Il (Rom, Paris) | 02-428 |
Materiali po archeologii, istorii i etnographii Tavrii (Simferopol) | 02-433 |
Medicina nei secoli (Rom) | 02-362 |
Medieval and Early Modern Studies for Central and Eastern Europe (Iasi) | 02-492 |
Medieval History (Gwynedd) | 02-393 |
Medioevo greco (Torino) | 02-363 |
Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry (Rhodos) | 02-397 |
Mediterranean Historical Review (London) | 02-187 |
Medium Aevum Quotidianum (Krems) | 02-342 |
Melissa, He ephemeris hellenike (Paris) | 02-237 |
Mesaionika kai nea hellenika (Athen) | 02-255 |
Mesogeios (Paris) | 02-365 |
Mikrasiatika chronika (Athen) | 02-074 |
Mikrophilologika (Nikosia) | 02-336 |
Mikrophilologika tetradia (Nikosia) | 02-475 |
Mikros prosphygas (Kalamaria Thessalonikis) | 02-455 |
Millennium Jahrbuch (Berlin, New York) | 02-432 |
Miscellanea (Padua) | 02-157 |
Miscellanea Byzantina Monacensia (München) | 02-049 |
Mitteilungen des Archaeologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Budapest) | 02-458 |
Mitteilungen des bulgarischen Forschungsinstitutes in Österreich (Wien) | 02-275 |
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Exkursions-Klubs in Konstantinopel/Constantinopel (Konstantinopel) | 02-444 |
Mitteilungen zur christlichen Archäologie (Wien) | 02-195 |
Mitteilungen zur Spätantiken Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte (Wiesbaden) | 02-215 |
Mittelalter, Das (Berlin) | 02-194 |
Mnemeio kai periballon (Thessaloniki) | 02-356 |
Mnemon (Athen) | 02-137 |
Mnemosyne: etesion periodikon tes Hetaireias Historikon Spudon epi tu Neoteru Hellenismu (Athen) | 02-080 |
Modern Greek Society: a social science newsletter (Providence, RI) | 02-266 |
Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand): Journal of the Modern Greek Studies Association of Australia and New Zealand (Melbourne) | 02-309 |
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook (Minneapolis, Minn.) | 02-269 |
Molybdokondylopeleketes (Athen) | 02-293 |
Money Trend (Purkersdorf) | 02-221 |
Monumentet (Tirana) | 02-109 |
Museio Byzantinu Politismu (Thessaloniki) | 02-426 |
Museio Mpenake (Athen) | 02-396 |
Museion (Paris; Nachdruck Athen 1995) | 02-322 |
Museion (Calgary) | 02-409 |
Museum criticum (Bologna) | 02-115 |
N | |
Nea grammata, Ta (Athen) | 02-233 |
Nea hestia (Athen) | 02-228 |
Nea Koinoniologia (Athen) | 02-351 |
Nea Rhome (Rom) | 02-439 |
Nea techne (Athen) | 02-249 |
Neoellenika Historika (Athen) | 02-465 |
Neograeca Bohemica (Brno) | 02-418 |
Neo-Hellenika: Annual Publication of the Center for Neo-Hellenic Studies (Amsterdam) | 02-095 |
Neon pneuma, To (Athen) | 02-282 |
Neos Asteros (Kymi) | 02-459 |
Neos hellenomnemon (Athen) | 02-037 |
Neue Jahrbücher für das Klassische Altertum, Geschichte und deutsche Literatur und für Pädagogik (Leipzig, Berlin) | 02-011 |
Neue Jahrbücher für Wissenschaft und Jugendbildung (Leipzig, Berlin) | 02-011 |
New Greek Vanguard (Birmingham) | 02-442 |
New Griffon, The (Athen) | 02-461 |
Newsletter of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean (Leuven) | 02-425 |
Nicolaus: rivista di teologia ecumenico-patristica (Bari) | 02-158 |
Notae Numismaticae - Zapiski Numizmatyczne (Krakau) | 02-220 |
Numas, Ho (Athen) | 02-265 |
Numismatische Zeitschrift (Wien) | 02-443 |
Numizmatični izsledvanija / Studia Numismatica (Sofia) | 02-392 |
Nuove effemeridi (Palermo) | 02-395 |
O | |
Obolos: Ekdose ton philon tu Nomismatiku Museiu (Athen) | 02-251 |
Oikonomike epeteris tes Hellados (Athen) | 02-203 |
Omprela (Athen) | 02-390 |
Onomata (Athen) | 02-072 |
Orientalia Christiana Periodica (Rom) | 02-046 |
Orpheus (Catania) | 02-373 |
Orthodoxes Forum (St. Ottilien) | 02-179 |
Orthodoxia (Thessaloniki) | 02-234A |
Ortodoksia (Helsinki) | 02-270 |
Ostkirchliche Studien (Würzburg) | 02-058 |
P | |
PaleoKastro (Sant'Agata Militello) | 02-508 |
Palestinskij Sbornik (Moskau) | 02-086 |
Palimpseston (Herakleio) | 02-323 |
Pan, Ho (Kallithea) | 02-305 |
Papadiamantika Tetradia (Athen) | 02-226 |
Parabasis (Athen) | 02-315 |
Parnassos (Athen) | 02-082 |
Parole de l'Orient (Kaslik) | 02-223 |
Patristic and Byzantine Review, The (Kingston, NY) | 02-174 |
Peloponnesiaka (Athen) | 02-078 |
Pemptusia (Athen) | 02-343 |
Periplus (Athen/Zakynthos) | 02-308 |
Peri Thrakes (Xanthi) | 02-472 |
Petalon (Andros) | 02-372 |
Philia: Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche, ökumenische und kulturelle Zusammenarbeit der Griechisch-Deutschen Initiative (Würzburg) | 02-208 |
Philm (Athen) | 02-380 |
Philologische Wochenschrift (Leipzig) | 02-160 |
Philologos: Trimeniaia ekdose tu syllogu apophoiton tes philosophikes scholes tu Panepistimiu Thessalonikes (Thessaloniki) | 02-367 |
Philosophia (Athen) | 02-113 |
Philosophias Analekta (Athen) | 02-389 |
Phoenix (Toronto) | 02-413 |
Phruriaka chronika (Athen) | 02-146 |
Planodion (Athen) | 02-292 |
Polemikos typos (Athen) | 02-478 |
Polites, Ho (Athen) | 02-414 |
Pomostni istoriceski disciplini (Sofia) | 02-366 |
Poselistni proucvanija (Sofia) | 02-360 |
Pragmateiai tes Akademias Athenon (Athen) | 02-093 |
Přednášky České Společnosti Novořeckých Studií = Dialexeis tes Tsechikes Hetaireias Neoellenikon Spudon (Brno) | 02-418 |
Pričernomor'e v srednie veka (St. Petersburg) | 02-485 |
Problemi na izkustvoto (Sofia) | 02-196 |
Proche Orient Chrétien (Jerusalem) | 02-094 |
Prometheus (Florenz) | 02-155 |
Protoporia (Athen) | 02-257 |
Psifidès (Genf) | 02-399 |
Pyrsos (CD-ROM) | 02-470 |
Q | |
Quaderni del museo archeologico regionale "Antonino Salinas" (Palermo) | 02-219 |
Quaderni di storia (Bari) | 02-349 |
Quaderni: Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici (Palermo) | 02-068 |
R | |
Raška Baština (Kraljevo) | 02-140 |
Rechtshistorisches Journal (Frankfurt am Main) | 02-506 |
Revue d'Art (Athen) | 02-310 |
Revue de la société internationale des amis de Nikos Kazantzakis (Genf) | 02-345 |
Revue de l'Orient latin (Brüssel) | 02-044 |
Revue des Études Arméniennes (Paris) | 02-085 |
Revue des Études Byzantines (Bukarest, Paris) | 02-004 |
Revue des Études Sud-est Européennes (Bukarest) | 02-043 |
Revue d'histoire des textes (Paris) | 02-225 |
Rivista di archeologia christiana (Rom) | 02-120 |
Rivista di bizantinistica (Bologna) | 02-168 |
Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici (Rom) | 02-047 |
Rivista di studi bizantini e slavi (Bologna) | 02-168 |
Rodina (Sofia) | 02-324 |
Rossija i christianskij vostok (Moskau) | 02-204 |
Rundbrief (Münster) | 02-417 |
S | |
Samiakes Meletes (Athen) | 02-361 |
Saopštenja (Communications) (Belgrad) | 02-473 |
Sbornik statej po archeologii i vizantinovedeniju = Recueil d'études. Archeologie, historie de l'art, études byzantines (Prag) | 02-099 |
Scandinavian Journal of Modern Greek Studies (Lund) | 02-438 |
Scandinavian Studies in Modern Greek (Kopenhagen) | 02-262 |
Schede medievali (Palermo) | 02-507 |
Scrinium (St. Petersburg) | 02-448 |
Scriptorium (Brüssel) | 02-377 |
Scrittura e civiltà (Florenz) | 02-166 |
Segno e testo (Turnhout) | 02-166 |
Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'alto medievo (Spoleto) | 02-381 |
Sicilia (Palermo) | 02-394 |
Sicilia archeologica (Palermo) | 02-384 |
Siculorum gymnasium (Catania) | 02-149 |
Sileno (Modica) | 02-167 |
Skyllis (Erlangen) | 02-329 |
Sol (Zagreb) | 02-358 |
Sosialistike epitheorese (Athen) | 02-261 |
Spartakos (Athen) | 02-272 |
Speira (Athen) | 02-283 |
Spomenici za srednovekovata i ponovata istorija na Makedonija (Skopje) | 02-142 |
Stachys (Athen, Wien) | 02-065 |
Stari Srpski Archiv | 02-408 |
Steine Sprechen (Wien) | 02-467 |
Studia albanica (Tirana) | 02-052 |
Studia balcanica (Sofia) | 02-096 |
Studia Ceranea ((Łódź) | 02-489 |
Studia patristica (Leuven) | 02-490 |
Studia patristica et byzantina (Ettal) | 02-013 |
Studi bizantini (e neoellenici) (Rom) | 02-047 |
Studii clasice (Bukarest) | 02-159 |
Studime filologjike (Tirana) | 02-050 |
Studi medievali e umanistici (Rom) | 02-460 |
Studi sull'Oriente cristiano (Rom) | 02-214 |
Studi veneziani (Pisa) | 02-034 |
Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch (Recklinghausen) | 02-014 |
Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München) | 02-296 |
Südostforschungen (München) | 02-154 |
Symbolae Osloenses (Oslo) | 02-213 |
Symmeikta (Athen) | 02-081 |
Synchrona themata (Athen) | 02-222 |
Synchronos kinematographos (Athen) | 02-501 |
Synkrise (Athen) | 02-353 |
Synthesis: Review of Modern Greek Studies (London) | 02-207 |
Syriana Grammata (Athen) | 02-303 |
T | |
Techne, He (Athen) | 02-248 |
Technologia (Athen) | 02-333 |
Tetradia ergasias (Athen) | 02-497 |
Tetradia politiku dialogu ereunas kai kritikes (Athen) | 02-284 |
Tetradia politismu (Athena) | 02-457 |
Tetradio (Athen) | 02-246 |
Teuche tu E.L.I.A. (Athen) | 02-317 |
Texte und Forschungen zur byzantinisch-neugriechischen Philologie (Athen) | 02-027 |
Texts and Studies (Foundation for Hellenism in Great Britain) (London) | 02-169 |
The historical review / La revue historique (Athen) | 02-479 |
Themata Logotechnias (Athen) | 02-451 |
Theologia (Athen) | 02-098 |
Theologische Revue (Münster) | 02-008 |
Thesaurismata (Venedig) | 02-031 |
Thessaliko hemerologio (Larissa) | 02-186 |
Thessalonike, He (Thessaloniki) | 02-176 |
Thetis (Mannheim) | 02-198 |
Thrakika (Athen) | 02-145 |
To aithrion (Thessaloniki) | 02-135 |
To ergo tu Helleniku Institutu Byzantinon kai Metabyzantinon Spudon Benetias (Venedig) | 02-436 |
Traditio (New York) | 02-376 |
Tram, To (Thessaloniki) | 02-302 |
Travaux et Mémoires (Paris) | 02-059 |
Trikalina (Trikala) | 02-290 |
Trito mati, To (Athen) | 02-252 |
Triton (New York) | 02-476 |
V | |
Vestnik drevnej istorii | 02-091 |
Vetera Christianorum (Bari) | 02-148 |
Viator (Berkeley, Calif.) | 02-128 |
Vigiliae Christianae (Leiden) | 02-138 |
Vivarium Scyllacense (Squilace) | 02-359 |
Vizantijskij Vremennik (Moskau) | 02-017 |
W | |
Wiener byzantinistische Studien (Wien) | 02-029 |
Wiener Humanistische Blätter (Wien) | 02-217 |
Z | |
Zbornik filozofskog fakulteta (Belgrad) | 02-116 |
Zbornik Matice srpske za likovne umetnosti / Matica Srpska (Novi Sad) | 02-132 |
Zbornik radova vizantološkog instituta (Belgrad) | 02-021 |
Zbornik za likovne umetnosti (Novi Sad) | 02-132 |
Zeitschrift für Balkanologie (München) | 02-412 |
Zeitschrift für Ostkirchliche Kunst. Hermeneia (Bochum) | 02-197 |
Zoe. Logotechniko periodiko (Konstantinopel) | 02-277 |
Zograf (Belgrad) | 02-136 |
Zounuk (Szolnok) | 02-189 |