Shelfmark classification

Call numbers are organized according to the following pattern:

33-234 or ND-1567

The first two characters of the call number indicate the subject group of the book, the second part marks the numerical position within the subject group. Publications on microfiche are identified with an added m(icrofiche) (06-145m).

00 Reference literature, dictionaries
01, A01 Festschriften and intellectual history
01-5 Conference proceedings
02 Periodicals
03-04 Text editions
05-07 Byzantine literature
08 Vernacular literature
10-11 Manuscript catalogues, textual tradition, codicology, papyrology
14 Diplomatics
15 Greek language
17 Metrics and music
18 Translations
19 Popular fiction on Byzantium
20-21 Theology
23 Apocrypha
24 Hagiography
26 Liturgics
30-32 History
33 Economic history, cultural history
36-37 Religious and church history
38 Monasticism
39 Chronology, bibliography and genealogy
40-41 Topography, geography and ethnography, archaeology
50 Art history
53 Icons
55 Architecture
56 Sculpture
57 Painting
58 Minor arts
59 Exhibitions, museum catalogues
60 Heraldics, numismatics and sigillography
70 Epigraphy
80 Jurisprudence
85 Canon law
90 Realia
91 Mathematics and subject disciplines
92 Medicine
93 Military science
93-5 Theses and dissertations
94-97 Offprints
98 School programs
99 Rara
C Caucasica
PO Patrologia Orientalis
ACO Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum
MANSI Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio
PG Patrologia Graeca
AS Acta Sanctorum
Restle Donation Marcell Restle
X Audiovisual media
NA Modern Greek studies: Primary literature
NB Modern Greek studies: Secondary literature
ND Modern Greek studies: History
NE Sources, archives, repertories
NM Media, film, TV, music, photography
NL Modern Greek language, text- and workbooks