All library locations offer free WiFi for library users.
Students and staff of the University of Vienna can use the WiFi network eduroam with their u:account ID and password.
Library users with a valid library ID can also establish a local connection to the University of Vienna's WiFi network using the library account of their u:card. For security reasons, a separate password is needed for WiFi access. You can check and edit ayour WiFi password after logging into the page WiFi access is limited until the expiration date of your u:card, but it is being reactivate it as soon as you renew the card.
Persons over 14 years of age who cannot bring all the documents required for a library card can ask for a voucher for limited WiFi access at the information counter of the respective library. Vouchers are currently issued at many libraries including the main library. If your library does not issue vouchers, they can direct you to the nearest library that does.