Veranstaltung im Großen Lesesaal. © Universität Wien / Barbara Mair

Communications, Press, Exhibitions, Events

Check our exhibitions and events news (in German) for information about current and past events.

Current Events:

Room Rentals

You want to rent one of our rooms for an event or wish to offer us an exhibition? Contact us!

Team Communications

Mag. Dr. Christina Köstner-Pemsel MSc, Mag. Dr. Maria Frenay, Mag. Florian Jaksche BA, Mag. Martin Gasteiner, Mag. Melanie Klammer, Verena Klemm-Abraham BA, Mag. Sylvia Nechvatal, OR Mag. Dr. Horst Prillinger MSc, Anna Maria Unterweger BA BA, Martin Wieland
T: +43-1-4277-15066

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