We offer library instruction for the following target groups:
Upcoming Sessions
For a complete list of sessions please click on one of the target groups above.
04.10.2024, 10:00
| English and American Studies Library
On-site session
Why not join one of the librarians for a tour of the English and American Studies Library? This will give you a chance to see the different areas and services we have to offer in the library. You will be able to ask quesions and d…
Registration is required! |
Target group:
| Level:
04.10.2024, 12:00
| Zoom / English and American Studies Library Virtual Lea…
Online session
Questions about literature research for English and American Studies papers? Why not join a virtual Q & A with the librarian Karin Lach
Target group:
| Level:
04.10.2024, 16:00
| FB Philosophie und Psychologie
On-site session
Wir führen Sie durch die Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie und gehen dabei speziell auf Fragen zur Bibliotheksbenutzung von Erstsemestrigen ein.
Registration is required! |
Target group:
| Level:
07.10.2024, 11:30
Online session
Sie möchten die Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie kennenlernen?
Sie möchten wissen, wie Sie an der Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie Literatur recherchieren und ausborgen können?
Dann sind Sie b…
Registration is required! |
Target group:
| Level:
Permanent Offers
Self-study module
Basic module for a first orientation into information research. Students can use this tutorial on the Moodle platform after enrolling with their
u:account .
Target group: Students
Level: Beginner
Every Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:00 | Format: On-site session
The open consultation hour offers advice on all topics relating to literature searches, from research strategies to choosing the right database.
Target group: Doctoral candidates, Students | Level: Beginner
By appointment only | Format: Online
We advise students of all subjects who are working on a research paper (seminar paper, master thesis, dissertation, etc.) on how to find literature.
Target group: Doctoral candidates, Students | Level: Advanced
By appointment only | Format: On-site
We offer courses for groups to show the basics of using the university library and the search engine u:search. This offer is aimed at members of tutorials, mentoring programmes, introductions to academic writing and similar courses at the University of Vienna.
Zielgruppe: Studierende | Level: Beginner
By appointment only | Format: On-site
Wir geben Ihnen einen Überblick über die historischen und wertvollen Bestände der UB Wien und erklären, wie diese zu benutzen sind.
Target group: Students, General public | Level: Beginner
Subject-Specific Instruction
At the special libraries, in addition to the dates listed here, subject-specific instruction and tours are offered by appointment. For more information, see "Library Instruction" on the website of the corresponding library, or contact the library staff on site.
Consultation Sessions of the Research Support Services
In addition to the dates listed here, the Research Support Services of the University Library offer consultations and training for researchers. Details can be found under "Library Instruction" on the a href="/forschungsunterstuetzung/a_bis_z.html">website of the corresponding service.