ub:talks: Enhancing Research Integrity and Security through Forensic Scientometrics

 © imagery courtesy of Digital Science

© imagery courtesy of Digital Science

ub:talks: Enhancing Research Integrity and Security through Forensic Scientometrics

Freitag, 25. April 2025, 9:00 Uhr, Kleiner Kursraum, Bibliotheksdirektion, 1. OG., Stiege 9, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

The ub:talks lecture series, organized by the Vienna University Library, invites experts from a wide range of disciplines to give fresh impetus for teaching, research and library work with lectures, seminars and workshops.

Please register by e-mail to Martin Wieland martin.wieland@univie.ac.at


Leslie D. McIntosh | VP Research Integrity, Digital Science

About the talk

The erosion of public trust in science, scientific research, and science policy poses a significant threat to the acceptance and implementation of critical policies, technological innovations, clinical outcomes, and national and global economic and security interests. This course addresses the pressing issues surrounding the integrity and security of scientific research in the face of technological advancements and cases of misconduct, organisational influence, and security breaches.

This three-hour workshop focuses on equipping European researchers with the tools and knowledge to uphold research integrity and security. Participants will explore the vulnerabilities within the research ecosystem, particularly within Europe, including pressures from the “publish or perish” culture and the risks of research misconduct. Through case studies and practical demonstrations, they will learn to use forensic scientometrics and other tools to detect and address issues such as data manipulation and publication fraud. The session emphasises cross-institutional collaboration and the role of European public forums and institutions in maintaining scientific transparency and trust. By the end of the workshop, researchers will have actionable strategies for securing research practices and contributing to a trustworthy scientific community in Europe.

About Leslie D. McIntosh

Leslie D. McIntosh, PhD is VP of Research Integrity at Digital Science and leads FoSci, an initiative using forensic scientometrics to detect manipulation and strengthen trust in research. An academic-turnedentrepreneur, she founded Ripeta in 2017 to improve research integrity, which is now a key part of Digital Science. She has advised global governments, institutions, and organizations. Her work was the most-read RetractionWatch post of 2022. In 2023, her influential ideas on achieving equity in research were highlighted in the Guardian and Science.

Zur Veranstaltungsreihe

ub:talks der Universitätsbibliothek Wien lädt Expert*innen unterschiedlichster Disziplinen dazu ein, mit Vorträgen, Seminaren und Workshops frische Impulse für Lehre, Forschung sowie die bibliothekarische Arbeit zu geben.

Universität Wien