February 2012 Vienna Lit Book Group

Vienna Lit Book Group. © Vienna Lit

Vienna Lit Book Group
© Vienna Lit

February 2012 Vienna Lit Book Group

Montag, 27. Februar 2012, 0:00 Uhr,

The next book to be discussed by the Vienna Lit Book Group will be Pure by Andrew Miller.

The novel has just won the Costa Book Award:
Costa Book Award press release: http://www.costabookawards.com/pdfs/CBA-Press-Release/Latest-Press-Releases/AM-Press-Release.pdf

Brown, Mark. Costa book award: Andrew Miller wins for sixth novel, Pure, The Guardian, Tuesday 24 January 2012 20.30 GMT http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2012/jan/24/costa-winner-andrew-miller-pure
Guardian Books podcast: Andrew Miller wins Costa book of the year: Andrew Miller reads from and discusses his novel Pure, which has won this year's Costa book of the year prize, and we listen in to last night's award ceremony, The Guardian, Wednesday 25 January 2012 12.11 GMT: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/audio/2012/jan/25/andrew-miller-costa-book-of-2011-podcast

Costa Book Award an Andrew Miller. derStandard.at, 25 January 2012 13:15: http://derstandard.at/1326503694613/Costa-Book-Award-an-Andrew-Miller
For our February book group we will meet in the TV Room of the English and American Studies Library on Monday, 27 February 2012, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

For more information on the reading group, previously discussed titles and the reading group blog see the vienna lit reading group page (http://www.viennalit.at/bookgroup.htm)

Universität Wien